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Orangutans The carers.

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Presentation on theme: "Orangutans The carers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orangutans The carers

2 Making a difference There are Orangutans right now suffering the consequences of our wrong doings and this isn't faire, especially since they are our family. We can put a stop to what others are doing and help these defenceless creatures though and here is one way. The Orangutans Project, for more information to this go to on the next two slides we will show you what products contain palm oil and products that don’t have palm oil. We hope you enjoy this power point on how we can make a difference.

3 Things that have palm oil
Some things that contain palm oil are: baked goods confectionery cosmetics body products cleaning agents. chocolate bars Cookies crackers popcorn frozen dinners low-fat dairy candy soap

4 Things that don’t have palm oil

5 Thankyou They will thankyou one day for your contribution but right now the cares are thanking you!

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