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Where we’re headed, we don’t need roads

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Presentation on theme: "Where we’re headed, we don’t need roads"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where we’re headed, we don’t need roads
Robert Miller CEO of LYRASIS

2 We all met just a year ago: August 14, 2015

3 Back a Little Further, Joined This Community
Mission: LYRASIS supports enduring access to our shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage through leadership in open technologies, content services, digital solutions and collaboration with archives, libraries, museums and knowledge communities worldwide Vision: Building Connected Communities

4 Values: Story of the Past Year
The strength of LYRASIS is built upon our members and our commitment to the valuable contributions of libraries, archives and museums. Committed to solutions that are practical and affordable; Experts in digital content and collections management services; Advocates for the communities we serve, Dedicated to the delivery of excellent service; and An ethical and trusted partner engaged in transparent business practices. I like this slide,very powerful yet focused on what you feel LYR differentiators are. Add value image. The strength of LYRASIS is built upon our members and our commitment to the valuable contributions of libraries, archives and museums. Committed to solutions that are practical and affordable; Experts in digital content and collections management services; Advocates for the communities we serve, Dedicated to the delivery of excellent service; and An ethical and trusted partner engaged in transparent business practices.

5 The Andrew W. Mellon Leaders Forums
It might be nice if you had a USA map with stars where you held regional meetings.  You do not get any geographic sense from the slide. I see you have the map later-

6 20,000 miles! 12 Cities From the West Coast office
Astoria Boston Columbus Philadelphia Salt Lake City Washington, D.C. Thornton Indianapolis Los Angeles Charlotte Atlanta From the West Coast office, Robert departed by plane, train and automobiles to 12 cities in 6 months. The trip began in Atlanta in January and concluded in Boston, June. Between then and now, Robert and senior staff of LYRASIS met an audience of leaders and a Board of Trustee in these cities: Philadelphia, Astoria NY, LA, Charlotte, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, Indianapolis, Columbus, Tampa, Thornton near Denver and Boston. Tampa 20,000 miles!

7 Why? In January 2016, we embarked on 12 cities in 6 months to hear, in person, the issues surrounding archives, libraries and museums. Funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we established the LYRASIS Leaders Forums. Question 1: why did The Andrew W Mellon Foundation want to know—why were they interested in funding this? Why was this idea of a Leaders Forum sound appealing to them? Answer- look to the membership of LYRASIS as a way to reach many types of orgs AND to find out what are the critical issues and opportunities our members are facing- how can LYR be a convener and strategic thinker to engage with the community and connect the community

8 State Libraries, Archives & Historical Societies Museums
Academic & Public Libraries State Libraries, Archives & Historical Societies Museums Over 170 unique institutions joined us out of our users .  From our membership and partners we had representatives from each of these organizational types. State libraries, academics, publics, Historical societies, museums.

9 eResources & Open Access
The Topics and Themes eResources & Open Access Working with Robert and the Senior level department heads here at LYRASIS, we narrowed in on 3 topics, 3 themes. Question to Robert: How did you decide on the topics? What did you want to hear from the Leaders in regards to this topic? The LAM's role is evolving-such that they are no longer just a provider of traditional content, they are also a producer of content and a steward of content created by the institution.  We see this shift and wanted to hear what are members had to say and how it is impacting their thinking longer term.

10 Community Supported Software
Topics and Themes Community Supported Software once our members have these newly created types of content they need systems and tools to manage the content either locally, through a consortium, or national platform.  However there are lots of decisions to be made along the way.  What type of software do I need?  should I use Open source software or proprietary?  If I use OSS, how do I become part of the community, what do I need to know?  How do I find support?

11 Technology and end-to-end solutions
Topics and Themes Technology and end-to-end solutions Consulting ArchiveSpace DuraSpace Archivematica Training CollectionSpace Islandora Fedora Digitization As I put the tools in place, what are my costs both upstream and downstream for managing this content, and what expertise do I have and what should I think about outsourcing?  What is my institution capable of doing and where do I need partners?  Which parts of the upstream/downstream process do I need to think about now in order to get started?

12 Things We Heard, Things We Learned
People welcomed the chance to get together and discuss the issues Managing change, managing born digital is a challenge Participants want a pool of resources Scale is an issue The community would like LYRASIS to supply services and programs that the community can’t afford to build or support on their own EMPHASIZE THIS IS THE NEW LYRASIS- FROM THIS YOU ARE BUILDING A LEADERS CIRCLE TO CONTINUE TO CONNECT AND IDEALLY COLLABORATE ON SOME OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES. People welcomed the chance to get together regionally Participants in every Forum welcomed the chance to come together face to face to talk through these issues at such a high level. Many are struggling in similar ways no matter what type of institution they are or how large with how to manage big technology and digitization projects. Participants want a collaborative solution: shared resources and power to control or state what we want to vendors. Scale is an issue. Growing commitments for managing digital collections are beginning to be unaffordable by one’s institution, even at a larger institution with great support. Communities of collaboration are a solution for resolving issues of money, scale, software, funding and awareness but buy-in, sustainable funding, staffing and time can be an issue. Examples: -More turnkey services -A place to leverage and find paths to funding -Share repositories -Open Access, push vendors towards more -Instead of duplicating systems and funding on the same projects, create a pool of resources, systems and tools -Discovery and making collections discoverable -Help with digital, things born digital

13 There’s a Lot of Opportunity
Examples: -More work like Licensing across each department Feedback from D.C. The Federal Government supported Organizations aren’t opposed to Open Source. They just need help in signing off and making sure the software meets a Federal set of standards. LYRASIS could signoff and guarantee the software meets the standards. -Assessment tools (1st step in end-to-end) -Help us think more actively about content instead of being reliant on the vendors -Help the community focus on LOCAL. That’s what makes organizations unique & how we most effectively serve our patrons & students

14 Merger with DuraSpace, Before and Life After Dissolution
LYRASIS and DuraSpace considered a merger in 2016, reflecting our growing commitment to open source technologies for our community It was ultimately determined to be unfeasible at this time LYRASIS will continue to seek these opportunities moving forward in order to help advance open technologies and community supported solutions for all of us.

15 The Present State for All of Us
In-between world Making libraries more visible on the web has two benefits: improving the service for the ones who are already committed to the library—they use search engines, too—and giving libraries the opportunity to reach those who never—or only sometimes—think about the library.

16 We are in an in-between world where we have two groups of people: [the] ones who already go to the library and the ones who never think about the library. Rachel Fewell Denver Public Library

17 If we could somehow harness this... it just might work
There are millions of creative, community-minded people who are ready to visit, contribute to, and participate with cultural institutions that support their interests. While many people explore their passions in online communities, there is enormous potential for them to come together in physical spaces organized around stories and objects that matter to them. Nina Simon The Participatory Museum If we could somehow harness this... it just might work Simon, Nina. The Participatory Museum. Santa Cruz: Museum 2.0, Retrieved from

18 Blending the Past with the Present...
… Setting the Stage for the Future 100 pennies

19 5 Stage Sustainability Model
Capital S, aspace/cspace Change investments to endowments

20 Leaders Circle: “Doc, You Gotta Listen to Me” Me as in Members
Open lines of communication Leaders to inform and bridge needs and services Focus: Communication Respect Collaboration Impact

21 Thoughts and Take-aways

22 Thank you!

23 eResources & Open Access
The Topics and Themes eResources & Open Access Working with Robert and the Senior level department heads here at LYRASIS, we narrowed in on 3 topics, 3 themes. Question to Robert: How did you decide on the topics? What did you want to hear from the Leaders in regards to this topic? The LAM's role is evolving-such that they are no longer just a provider of traditional content, they are also a producer of content and a steward of content created by the institution.  We see this shift and wanted to hear what are members had to say and how it is impacting their thinking longer term.

24 Community Supported Software
Topics and Themes Community Supported Software once our members have these newly created types of content they need systems and tools to manage the content either locally, through a consortium, or national platform.  However there are lots of decisions to be made along the way.  What type of software do I need?  should I use Open source software or proprietary?  If I use OSS, how do I become part of the community, what do I need to know?  How do I find support?

25 Technology and end-to-end solutions
Topics and Themes Technology and end-to-end solutions Consulting ArchiveSpace DuraSpace Archivematica Training CollectionSpace Islandora Fedora Digitization As I put the tools in place, what are my costs both upstream and downstream for managing this content, and what expertise do I have and what should I think about outsourcing?  What is my institution capable of doing and where do I need partners?  Which parts of the upstream/downstream process do I need to think about now in order to get started?

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