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2 RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY “Saul slays the priest at Nob”: David’s experience with Saul underscores the possibility of persecution of the righteous without a cause (Matthew 5:10,11). In persecution, David did not blame his accusers but took time apart to pray and praise God. When we are under intense persecution should, we should pray and reflect. Saul’s servants refused to carry the order to kill Ahimelech and the priests. Believers are to be subject to the laws of the land; but when they conflict with God laws, we should not obey.

MEMORY VERSE: …… “And Saul called all the people together to war, to go to Keilah, to besiege David and his men” (1 Samuel 23:8). TEXT: 1 Samuel 23:1-29

4 INTRODUCTION David ran to the cave of Adullam because of Doeg’s malicious report which led to the killing of eighty-five priests. Saul’s plan was to kill David but God preserved David’s life. David maintained a consistent spiritual life, which attracted God’s blessing and preservation. We should daily live and serve God with the assurance that “He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous…” (Job 36:7) but watches over them.

5 CONCERN AND WATCHFULNESS IN DOING GOD’S WILL 1 Samuel 23-1-15; Psalm 118:9,10
David always took time to enquire from God when there was a problem. He was not presumptuous by relying on his past victory. Children of God should always ask for divine guidance before taking any major step in life. And just like David rescued the inhabitants of Keilah, believers must rescue perishing souls before they die.

6 CONCERN AND WATCHFULNESS IN DOING GOD’S WILL 1 Samuel 23-1-15; Psalm 118:9,10
QUESTION 1: What should believers do before taking important steps in life? – 1 Samuel 23:1,2,4; Luke 6:12,13. QUESTION 2: What can believers learn from David’s rescue mission to the people of Keilah? – Mark 16:15-16; 1 Samuel 23:5 QUESTION 3: What challenge does David’s inquiry from God pose to believers today? – Psalm 118:8,9; Proverbs 3:5,6

Jonathan’s visit to David at his trying illustrates genuine love among the brethren. This visit was not to accuse or condemn David like Job’s friends did but to strengthen him. In this, Jonathan even endangered his own life. He could not stop his father, but he did not support him. He knew that God had chosen David to become king over Israel and he selflessly submitted to this will of God. What a lesson! QUESTION 4: What can we learn from the way Jonathan visited David at his most trying time? – 1 Samuel 23:17; Isaiah 35:4

8 DELIVERANCE IN TRIALS AND PERSECUTION 1 Samuel 23:19-29; 2 Timothy 3:12
The people of Ziph were of the same tribe as David, yet they betrayed him. Saul pursued him to destroy his life. Instead of being celebrated, he was being chased; instead of recognition, he faced relegation; instead of reward, he suffered reproach. Trials and persecution are part of the Christian’s experiences. But David prayed, acted intelligently and God delivered him even when Saul was close to capturing him. We should trust God in trouble. QUESTION 5: What should be our attitude during trials and persecutions? – 1 Peter 4:12,13; James 1:2-4

9 CONCLUSION David sought God in danger. He did not depend on his past victory. Jonathan was true to David as God’s choice even to the endangering of his life. He did not support evil though it was his father involved. We should stay on God’s side. David was betrayed by his own kinsmen but he trusted God, acted wisely and God delivered him. God will always make a way out of every difficult situation for His children at the right time. He is never late!!!

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