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How to Advise Using Advisee Academic Planner

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Presentation on theme: "How to Advise Using Advisee Academic Planner"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Advise Using Advisee Academic Planner

2 Academic Maps Roadmaps to degree completion
Helpful sequence of courses designed by the college Tool to plan for degree progress

3 Academic Planner Online tool within PeopleSoft (myPSC) Allows students to plan for future semesters Allows students to enroll in classes directly from their Planner through a link to the Shopping Cart Advisors can view advisee’s academic planner, shopping cart and schedule.

4 Navigating the Academic Planner

5 Log into your myPSC with your NUID
Select My Homepage>Dashboard Links Select MyPSC - Faculty

6 3. Select Advisees>My Advisees
4. Select Advisee Student Center

7 5. Select advisee from drop down menu>Change

8 6. Make sure the correct advisee’s information is displaying.
7. Select My Planner

9 Review the advisee’s planner
Select cancel to return to advisee’s student center.

10 11. Refer back to your Academic Map to offer suggestions/changes to the student’s academic planner

11 12. Review the advisee’s shopping cart
13. Choose a term to review, continue

12 14. Review advisee’s shopping cart and/or class schedule

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