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Nup153 is an M9‐containing mobile nucleoporin with a novel Ran‐binding domain The Nup153 zinc finger Ran‐binding domain (RBZ) is very similar to the zinc.

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Presentation on theme: "Nup153 is an M9‐containing mobile nucleoporin with a novel Ran‐binding domain The Nup153 zinc finger Ran‐binding domain (RBZ) is very similar to the zinc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nup153 is an M9‐containing mobile nucleoporin with a novel Ran‐binding domain
The Nup153 zinc finger Ran‐binding domain (RBZ) is very similar to the zinc fingers of several other proteins. The alignment was done using the ClustalW program. Identical residues are in dark shading and related residues are in pale shading. Sequences are from human proteins unless noted otherwise. The zinc fingers of the following proteins are shown: Nup153 (153; McMorrow et al., 1994), RanBP2/Nup358 (BP2; Yokoyama et al., 1995), oncoprotein hdm2 (Oliner et al., 1992), small optic lobes (sol, one of the five fingers in sol is shown; Kamei et al., 1998), rat RNP motif protein S1‐1 (Inoue et al., 1996), Drosophila RNP motif protein cabeza (Stolow and Haynes, 1995) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ARP1 protein (Wehner et al., 1993). The Caenorhabditis elegans C54H2.3 gene product shows similarity to human YY1‐associated factor 2 and to yeast Nup2p, and the T19B4.2 gene product is weakly similar to nucleoporins. The C.elegans genome contains four additional sequences that encode this type of finger (not shown). The Schizosaccharomyces pombe SPAC17H9.04c gene product is similar to S.cerevisiae ARP1. A consensus sequence for this type of zinc finger is shown beneath the alignment. IF THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY OR IS OWNED BY A THIRD PARTY, AS INDICATED IN THE CAPTION LINE, THEN FURTHER PERMISSION MAY BE NEEDED BEFORE ANY FURTHER USE. PLEASE CONTACT WILEY'S PERMISSIONS DEPARTMENT ON OR USE THE RIGHTSLINK SERVICE BY CLICKING ON THE 'REQUEST PERMISSIONS' LINK ACCOMPANYING THIS ARTICLE. WILEY OR AUTHOR OWNED IMAGES MAY BE USED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, SUBJECT TO PROPER CITATION OF THE ARTICLE, AUTHOR, AND PUBLISHER. EMBO J, Volume: 18, Issue: 7, Pages: , First published: 01 April 1999, DOI: ( /emboj/ )

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