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Carlos Solans TileCal Valencia meeting 27/07/2007

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1 Carlos Solans TileCal Valencia meeting 27/07/2007
TDAQ status Carlos Solans TileCal Valencia meeting 27/07/2007

2 Lab setup@CERN Compilation PC is now valtical20.
valticalrcc1 Compilation PC is now valtical20. ROS PC is now valtical13. Missing more RAM. Running 2 ROBins. All running SLC4 except valtical8 (might not be used for DAQ) Backup information in valtical13 is now in valtical20 /backup TileOnlineStatus ROS, ROBins, data storage, monitoring Compilation, Data Storage ROD, PreROD, TBM ROD & TTC @/home @/work @/home @/work /data /home /work @/home @/work 1.5GHz 1GB 2.4GHz 500MB 2.6GHz HT (x2) 1GB 1GHz 500MB hw: 00138F7105E0 hw: 00E081283E3D hw: B0E hw: 00409E0044CF hw:000FB MAC address auth valticalap1 gpn Network switch ip: X sm: gw: Portable clients 27th July 2007 Carlos Solans

3 New HDD resources at CERN
New PC ordered Estimated delivery in two weeks. Details: 3 250GB SATA drives (Up to 6 supported) 1 500GB SATA drive (bought separately) RAID 0,1, and 5 RAID capable 2GB DDR533 Fully Buffered memory 2 Intel Xeon 5030 (2.66GHz) dual-core processors (64bit) Dual Integrated Gigabit LAN 16X DVD-ROM drive 565W Power Supply Purpose Storage and analisys : to be discussed. 1.25 TB 27th July 2007 Carlos Solans

4 Compilation for tdaq-01-08-00
Package Responsible TileCalModules Carlos TileCalIguiPanel TileDDC Bruno TileConfiguration TileCalRODemon TilePlugins Bit3_rcc TileVmeROD TileCalBeDVS TileCalED Arantxa TileOfflineDB Sasha TileUseDB Belen TileOfcDsp XTestROD Ximo XFILAR Rod_demo_putius TileRODJTag Alberto TileRODHisto Databases already migrated to tdaq Still to check the POOL patch. Basic packages to work in the lab already compiled. Small issues like ; at the end of header files. OFC packages and XTestROD to be compiled. Pit installation starts Monday 30th July. M4 preparation starts 24th August. 27th July 2007 Carlos Solans

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