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Kick-off Workshop, 4-5 February, 2010 Holiday Inn Hotel, Amman, Jordan

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1 Kick-off Workshop, 4-5 February, 2010 Holiday Inn Hotel, Amman, Jordan
Middle East Water Livelihoods Initiative ( WLI) Improving Rural Livelihoods Through Sustainable Water & Land- Use Management In Middle East Countries (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Yemen) Dr. Ahmed Alfalahi, Senior Researcher, SBAR/ IRAQ Kick-off Workshop, 4-5 February, 2010 Holiday Inn Hotel, Amman, Jordan

2 Ranked Cross-cutting Issues
Priority Issues at the Abu Ghraib Site Priority Issues Ranked Cross-cutting Issues Community empowerment. Training and capacity development. Communication between stakeholders including between countries. Decision-support for water master plan and monitoring on the Mesopotamian plain. On-farm using freshwater / marginal water. Saline soil management. Cropping system management Design, Operation, and Maintenance of subsurface drainage systems.

3 Expected Outputs Integrated water and land-use strategies for policy- making at Abu-Ghraib site: 1.1 Feasible and sustainable policy recommendations for the benchmark site developed. Develop and implement a strategic policy plan for Abu Ghraib site. Policy analysis and support provided to key institutions, SBAR/MOA, by ICARDA, IWMI and US Universities. Validated policy recommendations extended to national and provincial governments.

4 Expected Outputs (Integrated)…….cont
1.2 Enhanced extension system for the dissemination of sustainable water and land use practices and livelihood strategies: Develop working partnerships for improved institutional collaboration between SBAR/MOA, CGIAR Centers, regional and national universities and US universities Strengthen SBAR and create links between national and provincial agricultural research and extension organizations and farmers. Facilitate reorientation of existing national extension systems

5 Expected Outputs (Integrated)…….cont
1.3 Development of tools and structures for the effective Implementation of the WLI Iraq-Irrigated: Development of WLI portal for knowledge sharing and training. Hiring of key staff for the project management. Develop monitoring and evaluation system. Develop scaling-up plan for Abu Ghraib Benchmark site.

6 Expected Outputs (Integrated)…….count
1.4 Integrated watershed decision-support model for the modeling of irrigation demand in relation to water quality for the development of a water master plan and monitoring system: Model assessment, verification and selection Baseline study for model selection and M&E Baseline analysis including uncertainty and risk analysis Benchmark development including study findings Develop and test model with relevant stakeholders Test decision-support capability of model Conduct analysis of relevant policies Identify feasible changes to existing policies and strategies

7 Expected Outputs( Integrated)…….cont
1.5 Creation of enabling environment and SAG for stakeholder participation and inclusion in strategy and development at the Abu-Ghraib site: Carry out stakeholder analysis of the Abu-Ghraib site identifying key partners at all levels for inclusion in the SAG Formation of the SAG Establish the position and role of the SAG within the WLI implementation structure Publicize the goals and aims of the WLI to community stakeholders for the development of community organizations, FIGs, FAs, SHGs and producer groups

8 Expected Outputs stakeholders in Abu-Ghraib sites:
2. Enhanced knowledge, skills and qualifications for key stakeholders in Abu-Ghraib sites: 2.1 Agreed training and e-learning plan for the benchmark site Establish the e-learning committee and develop the e-learning strategy. Carry out the needs and resource matching exercise Develop benchmark training plan including the allocation of postgraduate degrees and priority stakeholders for short course and train the trainer Conduct training needs assessment and develop curricula for key stakeholders at the community level Tender out English language, computer and study skills Develop the infrastructure and capacity of the University of Baghdad Enroll and commence relevant post-graduate degree programs

9 Expected Outputs ( Enhanced Knowledge)…….cont
2.2 Trained Abu Ghraib benchmark technical team Identify key members of the benchmark technical teams and conduct training needs assessment. Carry out train-the-trainer courses in PRA, SWOT other relevant participatory techniques and extension. 2.3 Dissemination of aggregated knowledge and public goods to a broader group of stakeholders at Abu Ghraib Benchmark Site, in Iraq and regionally between participating WLI countries Develop knowledge sharing plan Develop, aggregate and adapt, training and research outputs Hold regional and national conferences, workshops and knowledge sharing fora. Enroll relevant stakeholders in non-WLI affiliated international conferences and workshops held in the region and internationally.

10 Expected Outputs 3. Improved rural livelihoods of farmers in Abu Ghraib Site through the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices and livelihood strategies: 3.1 Sustainable locally appropriate water and land use technologies identified and tested for development and dissemination Introduce identified and tested water-use management technologies Develop a scaling up strategy for Abu Ghraib Benchmark Site Ensure dissemination of methods alongside crop /livelihood technologies for income generation Increase the capacity of local communities to manage water resource allocation and use through the formulation of WUAs Empirically document that water and land use strategies in the Abu Ghraib benchmark site have been improved

11 Expected Outputs (Improved)…….cont
3.2 Livelihood study and stakeholder analysis undertaken and Strategic Research and Extension Plan developed for Abu Ghraib Benchmark Site Conduct livelihood study and stakeholder analysis Develop SREP for Abu Ghraib Benchmark site Identify constraints to implementing identified improved crop/livestock technologies and market development

12 Expected Outputs (Improved)…….cont
3.3 Implementation of improved livelihood strategies Test, refine adapt and disseminate water efficient crop/livestock strategies to farm households through on-farm trials and demonstrations Organize farmers and farm women interested in producing and marketing water efficient crops/products into FIGs, SHGs or producer groups Conduct exposure visits for FIGs, FAs and SHGs Facilitate contracts and agreements between FIGs and buyers Conduct targeted training for producer groups Facilitate inputs at the inception stage Produce crops or products to specification Harvest, handle and deliver crop/product

13 Expected Outcome The initiative is expected to achieve the following outcomes: . Income increased in rural households/villages. New livelihoods adapted/diversified production systems adopted. Access to clean, high quality water improved by adoption of better water management systems. Natural resources managed better at community and institutional levels. Land use intensified, decreasing pressure to move agriculture to new or fragile lands. Status of land degradation and water quality monitored. Improved capacity of extension and research institutions.

14 How to Enhance Funding for Iraq Bilateral Proposal
Local Representative of USAID. 2. INMA. PRT ( Baghdad) We will open a discussion with many organization and agency like ???????? to co-fund this project and to assist the implement of above activities.

15 Thank You

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