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Elementary-Middle CTC Training

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary-Middle CTC Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary-Middle CTC Training
June STAAR- 5th/8th Retest June 25 – Mathematics, Algebra I(MS only) June 26 – Reading

2 Remember!! Attending this training does NOT take the place of reading the manuals and following all TEA, district and campus guidelines and procedures.

3 Agenda Welcome/Announcements Test Security STAAR Calendar of Events
STAAR Reminders Quality Control Returning Nonscorables Closing Remarks

4 Announcements

5 Welcome/Announcements
Activity Codes Summer TC Timelines FAQ Answer Sheets for Magnets/TI Campuses We recommend testing the students online If testing on paper and don’t want to do a hand grid, then pick up at the Service Center. CTC Training PowerPoints - Additional Materials Online Ordering System - Staff training PowerPoints - QC sheets - Update the links

6 Test Security

7 Testing Irregularities
Serious Procedural Directly or indirectly assisting students. Anyone tampering with student responses. Discussing secure test content, student responses, or student performance. Duplicating or electronically capturing any confidential student test content. Failing to report an individual engaged in any violation of test security. Viewing secure test content before, during, or after an administration without authorization by TEA. Ineligibility and IEP errors Improper accounting of secure materials. Not verifying that student responses are recorded on an answer sheet. Leaving classrooms unattended. Testing personnel not properly monitoring students during organized breaks. Students were not prevented from using electronic devices and shared test content. Allowing untrained staff members to enter testing rooms. Students were permitted to test beyond the allowed time. Students were not permitted to test during the allowable timeframe. Test administrators did not read verbatim from the STAAR Manual. Test administrator using cell phone during testing.

8 Penalties for Prohibited Conduct
Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand. Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term. Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently. Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a Class C misdemeanor and could result in criminal prosecution under TEC § , Section of the Texas Government Code, and Section of the Texas Penal Code.

9 Security Oaths TEA requires that all personnel involved in testing is trained and sign a security oath before handling secure testing materials or participating in the administration of a state test. State Testing Oath – Campus TC State Testing Oath – Other Roles in Related to Assessment Districts are required to retain signed security oaths, seating charts, testing irregularity and investigation documentation, and inventory and shipping records for five years following a test administration. Reminder – seating charts are no longer required to be posted.

10 STAAR Calendar of Events

11 DISD Critical Deadlines (Before Testing)
Test Coordinator Training Sessions Nolan Estes, LBJ Auditorium June 11, 2019 9:00 a.m. Combined shipment of test materials to campuses By June 17, 2019 STAAR campus testing training completed (test administrators, floaters, bathroom duty, lunch duty, etc.) By June 24, 2019 (Monday)

12 STAAR Tests/Action Items Algebra I EOC (MS only) (4 hours)
State Testing Window Test Dates (State Mandated) STAAR Tests/Action Items June 25, 2019 (Tuesday) 5th/8th STAAR Math (4 hours) (3rd Administration retesters only) Algebra I EOC (MS only) (4 hours) June 26, 2019 (Wednesday) 5th/8th STAAR Reading (4 hours) Hand deliver all scorable and non-scorable materials in one shipment to the Service Center upon completion of testing.

13 DISD Critical Deadlines (After Testing)
Nonscorables are to be hand delivered upon completion of testing to the Service Center: Service Center 2525 S Ervay Dallas, TX 75215 June 26, 2019 Hand-deliver SCORABLES: June 26, 2019 (Wednesday) (upon completion of testing) District receives standard score reports July 16, 2019 July 26, 2019 (Alg I)

14 STAAR Reminders

15 Reminders Please try to before calling. Especially on the first day of testing! Contact the main number on quality control days because we are busy checking schools and are not able to answer calls or until later. You can use a stamp to mark void or online (optional). Do this at the end of the testing window. Write the reason on the answer document if you are voiding the answer document. Train your staff over the OA guidelines. There aren’t any form numbers for summer testing so use the books that you have. Reading passages may never be read aloud. Ensure that students take the right test based on the assessment calendar. All additional orders for Summer testing will be for pick-up only. Use the available personnel that has been allocated for each campus as test administrators. No additional personnel will be provided.

16 Reminders Students must be given the correct language of the test EN/SP. (Elementary only) If the wrong test language is administered, contact TCSupport for guidance. (Elementary) Students given the wrong test language and have completed more than 5 questions on that version, are not allowed to retest in the correct language. (Elementary) Be sure to review accommodations because irregularities occur when students do not receive accommodations. Remind test administrator to check answer documents to ensure students have bubbled all their answers if time remains for testing. Ensure seating charts are completed.

17 Reminders Algebra I answer documents for absent students are to be VOIDED for summer testing only. Use the Quality Control document to help quality control answer documents on campus. Quality control is for verifying your answer documents counts….NOT completing the missing information for students. No volunteers on campus during testing. Even if they are retired teachers and signed an oath, they are volunteers not employees. Review active monitoring with Test Administrators. Ensure clocks or projected clocks are in each testing room. NO ERASING BY ANYONE OTHER THAN STUDENT. All test security policies and procedures regarding proper test administration outlined in previous trainings must be followed.

18 Reminders Students should not consume drinks or candy around testing materials. This includes peppermints and water. Remember, the testing clock does not stop for snack breaks. If a student’s test needs a score code of O or A in the STAAR Online system, select the attributes button next to the student’s name. Use the sample provided to assist you in creating a blank answer document. Local ID is left justified. Don’t forget calculators for Math 8 and Algebra I. See calculator policy. Don’t forget dictionaries for Reading tests. See dictionary policy. Students with extended time can turn their test in once they are complete. Do NOT make students keep their answer documents beyond the time it takes them to complete the test. Campus-wide general announcements from the PA should be done before passing out tests, not during – and it would be ideal if there were no announcements on test days until the afternoon after everyone is finished.

19 Makeup Testing Students Who Become Sick During a Test
Make-up testing may also be used for a student who becomes sick and leaves campus during the test. If the student has not completed the assessment, he or she may complete the test within the scheduled administration dates. Test administrators should keep track of the amount of time a student used on the first day so that the student is provided the remaining test time to complete the test on the make-up day.   Test administrators should use a paperclip to separate the questions the student has completed on the first day, so the student does not go back to those questions on the make-up day. This applies to the math assessments. Test administrators should use a paperclip to separate the passages and related questions that a student has completed on the first day, so the student does not go back to those passages and related questions on the make-up day. This applies to the reading assessment. Emphasize that active monitoring to ensure students are only working on the appropriate section of the test. All make-up testing must be completed by Wednesday, June 2:00 pm.

20 Preparing the Answer Document

21 Hand gridding a Blank Answer Document
Use STAAR Precode Report on MyData Portal to Locate Student Name ID Date of Birth PEIMS Accommodations Demographic Information

22 Recording Accommodations on the Answer Document
The following accommodation bubbles may be available, depending on the test and/or the mode of testing. DS = Designated Support LP = Large Print XD = Extra Day (requires TEA approval) OA = Oral Administration MC = Calculation Aids

23 5th/8th Answer DOCs Score Codes
STAAR Score Codes “A” – Absent “O” – Other (illness, testing irregularity, etc.) “*” – paper/online (on a two subject answer document only) “P” – Previously Passed “PW” – Parental Waiver “S” – Score NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded. Grade 8 Grade 5

24 Algebra I Answer DOC Score Codes
“S” – Score “O” – other (illness, testing irregularity, EOC/above grade level, substitute assessment, etc.) NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded. Algebra

25 STAAR Online Managing Online Testing

26 Viewing Online Testing Session Info
Viewing Testing Groups Users can view online test status by student. Users can change values in dropdown menus to find a subset of students or view different groups. Registered Enrolled Enrolled Hold Ready to Test In Progress Inactive Expired Submitted Processing Voided

27 Viewing Online Testing Session Info
Actions Column Functions: Print student test tickets Set test attributes Do Not Report / Void

28 Printing Test Tickets and Rosters
Testing group rosters and student test tickets contain PNP information. Ensure that students eligible to use embedded supports have the information noted on their test tickets. NOTE: Test tickets are available for printing one week prior to the start of the testing window and must be securely stored until testing.

29 Updating PNPs Steps for updating PNPs after online test has been started: Log out of the online test. Update PNP embedded supports (Tests tab). Return to online test group where the student’s test ticket is located. Refresh browser to update the Sync Status. Wait until the updates are synced. Log in with the test ticket. Updates cannot sync while online test is in progress.

30 Updating Test Attributes for Online Testers
Submitted and started tests will automatically default to “Scored” unless otherwise specified. Ready to test and expired tests will automatically default to void unless a score code is selected. Score Code indicator can be set only when test attributes are accessed through the online testing group view in the Manage Online Testing tab.

31 Quality Control Returning Scorables

32 Campus Quality Control Scorables
Verify nothing is left in books. Ensure that accurate, pertinent identifying information is bubbled on hand gridded documents. Place hand gridded documents on top of the stack. Ensure score code is bubbled, and test booklet numbers are written on answer documents. Organize answer documents with paper bands vertically. Ensure accommodations as applicable are bubbled. Ensure all necessary information is captured on the seating charts. Ensure “P” for previously passed is bubbled on the score code if a student only needed to take one test.

33 Materials Return: general Reminders
Verify documents are placed under the correct campus header(s). Ensure the correct County-District-Campus code is indicated on the header. ( xxx) NOTE: Campus names shown on preprinted headers may be truncated and should therefore not be solely relied on. Do not use header sheets from prior administrations or different administrations.



36 Packing and Returning

37 Shipping Nonscorables Reminders
Bring your nonscorable materials with you to Quality Control when submitting scorables. Save your empty boxes that your materials arrive in to bring nonscorable materials to the Service Center. The Service Center will provide the labels that are needed for the boxes (white Nonscorable Service Center labels colored ETS labels and small white Dallas ISD labels (issued at the Service Center); Put all test booklets (Used and Unused) back in numerical order by grade and subject for ES/MS and by subject for EOCs Use Materials Control Form and Packing List to ensure you are returning ALL booklets and nonscorable materials.

38 Nonscorables Reminders
5/8 Math and Reading RETEST Goes in its own set of boxes! Algebra I EOC (MS only) Goes in its own set of boxes

39 Nonscorables Reminders
5/8 Math and Reading RETEST- box up, use packing tape, add correct labels, fill out completely and number service center labels correctly Algebra I EOC (MS only) -

40 Shipping Nonscorables Reminders

41 Survey – Completed at QC
Closing Questions/Answers Survey – Completed at QC

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