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Alex Henry FDOT District Seven Safety Office

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1 Alex Henry FDOT District Seven Safety Office
Brandon High School and Hillsborough High School/Memorial Middle School RSA Findings Alex Henry FDOT District Seven Safety Office

2 Partners

3 What is an RSA? Supported by FHWA as means of enhancing safety for all road users Involves independent, experienced, multidisciplinary teams Goal: Proactively identify opportunities for improvements in safety for all users

4 RSA Steps Identify project Select RSA team
Conduct pre-audit meeting to review project information Perform field observations under various conditions Conduct audit analysis and prepare report Present audit findings to stakeholders Stakeholders prepare formal responses Stakeholders incorporate findings into project when appropriate

5 Short-Term, Mid-Term, Long-Term
Basic improvements: signs, markings, etc. “Low hanging fruit” Can be handled by maintenance Weeks to implement Short-Term Project Required: Lower cost, lower complexity Can be handled by push button and fast response contracts Months to implement Mid-Term More complex projects: Right-of-way, public involvement, coordination, higher cost Can be handled in work program Years to implement Long-term

6 Brandon High School-Background
Brandon High School prioritized due to high pedestrian activity and crash history. RSA Conducted of February 14, 2017

7 Brandon High School- Project Location

8 Brandon High School- Existing Conditions
2 mile radius around school Various sized roadways Various speed limits Limited corridor lighting Limited sidewalk connectivity Residential and commercial uses 2,579 Floridians lose their lives in traffic crashes. 6% of those fatalities occurred in Hillsborough. 2/3rds of crashes in Hillsborough resulted in an injury or fatality. Over ¼ of fatalities were a pedestrian or bicycle

9 Brandon High School- Crash Analysis (2011-2015)
11 Total Crashes (school aged) 2 (18%) Nighttime Crashes 7 Pedestrian Crashes 4 Bike Crashes 0 Fatalities 1 Incapacitating Injuries Pedestrian darted into roadway

10 Brandon High School- Crash Analysis (2011-2015)

11 Short-Term Recommendations
Location: Clay Avenue at Parsons Ave Observation: Obsolete Pedestrian Signal Push Buttons Recommended action: Replace Pedestrian Signal Push Buttons

12 Short-Term Recommendations
Location: Throughout Study Area Observation: Worn and missing truncated domes Recommended action: Replace or install truncated domes

13 Short-Term Recommendations
Location: Parsons Avenue at Victoria St Observation: Drivers blocking intersection through rail crossing Recommended action: Evaluate signal timing and optimize progression to reduce queuing

14 Short-Term Recommendations
Location: Parsons Avenue at Victoria St Observation: Drivers blocking intersection through rail crossing Recommended action: Evaluate signal timing and optimize progression to reduce queuing LED 1/3 of data collection on local streets

15 Short-term recommendations
Location: SR 60 Observation: Lack of speed limit signage on SR-60 Recommended action: Provide additional speed limit signs to facilitate law enforcement Between , reached almost 7,000 students at 27 schools $120k total to all 5 counties

16 Short-term recommendations
Location: Kings Avenue at Sadie Street Observation: Speeding through speed zone. Speeds observed as high as 47 mph Recommended action: Increase law enforcement presence during arrival and dismissal times.

17 Mid-term recommendations
General Observations Sidewalk gaps Areas without crosswalks Heavy pedestrian usage at existing facilities

18 Mid-term recommendations

19 Mid-term recommendations
Location: Amana Avenue Observation: High number of students observed walking along Amana Avenue. No sidewalks or pedestrian features Recommended action: Prioritize installation of pedestrian features along Amana Avenue.

20 Mid-term recommendations
Location: Telfair Road and Windhorst Road Observation: High pedestrian observed at crosswalk Recommended action: Provide Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) for existing crossings.

21 Mid-term recommendations
Location: Kings Avenue at SR 60 Observation: Student traveling by HART bus dropped off at bus stop on SE corner of SR-60 Recommended action: Provide Upgrade crosswalk to current standards

22 Mid-term recommendations
Location: Eastern parking lot along Victoria Avenue Observation: Driver conflicts and aggressive driving turning in and out of parking lot Recommended action: Convert driveway to right-in right-out only. Install median separator to prohibit movement and reduce conflicts

23 Long-term recommendations
Observation Limited lighting 18% nighttime crashes Recommendation Add lighting along student walking routes 1,000s of students

24 Long-term recommendations
1,000s of students

25 Long-term recommendations
Location: Open grass area between Victoria Street and Lakewood Drive Observation: Students cutting through area from Lakewood Drive to Victoria Street Recommended action: Evaluate feasibility of installing multi-use path along vacant lot and install lighting 1,000s of students

26 Hillsborough/Memorial Project Location

27 Hillsborough/Memorial- Existing Conditions
2 mile radius around school Various sized roadways Various speed limits Limited corridor lighting Limited no sidewalks Residential and commercial uses

28 Hillsborough/Memorial- Crash Analysis (2011-2016)
8 Total Crashes (school aged) 1 (12.5%) Nighttime Crashes 4 Pedestrian Crashes 4 Bike Crashes 0 Fatalities 2 Incapacitating Injuries Pedestrian struck in crosswalk Pedestrian darted in from of vehicle

29 Hillsborough/Memorial- Crash Analysis (2011-2016)

30 Hillsborough/Memorial- Crash Analysis (2011-2016)

31 Short Term Recommendations
Location: N Central Ave at Hillsborough Ave Observation: No reflective back plates at signalized intersection Recommended action: Install reflective back plates at signalized intersections

32 Short Term Recommendations
Location: Central Avenue and Osbourne Ave Observation: Palm Tree limiting sight distance Recommended action: Trim or remove vegetation to improve sight distance and increase visibility for students crossing

33 Mid-Term Recommendations
Location: Osbourne Ave between Schools Observation: High number of mid-block crossings observed Recommended action: Re-install mid-block crosswalk Year: 2015 Year: 2017

34 Mid-Term Recommendations
Location: Osbourne Ave and Central Ave Observation: High pedestrian crossing volumes and speeding vehicles Recommended action: Increase speed enforcement and establish designated School Zones

35 Mid-Term Recommendations
Location: Osbourne Ave and Central Ave Observation: High pedestrian crossing volumes and speeding vehicles Recommended action: Increase speed enforcement and establish designated School Zones

36 Mid-Term Recommendations

37 Mid-Term Recommendations

38 Mid-Term Recommendations
Location: Osborne Ave east of Central Ave Observation: Students observed walking along north side of Osborne where no sidewalk present Recommended action: Provide sidewalk along Osborne Ave between Central Ave and Nebraska Ave

39 Long-Term Recommendations
Location: General observation Observation: Limited lighting along student walking routes Recommended action: Add lighting along residential student walking routes

40 Long-Term Recommendations

41 Long-Term Recommendations
Location: Osborne at Central Avenue Observation: Students crossing against signal, controller cabinet limits visibility Recommended action: Upgrade pushbuttons, relocate controller cabinet, install retro reflective back plates consider setting signal operation to pedestrian recall

42 Thank you! Alex Henry District Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Specialist FDOT District Seven – Safety Office Florida Department of Transportation

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