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Project title: FLOATING EGG Student Name: Jacob Aryee

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1 Project title: FLOATING EGG Student Name: Jacob Aryee
STEM Fair Project Project title: FLOATING EGG Student Name: Jacob Aryee

2 Statement of the Problem
Which solution will cause an egg to float?

3 Research Eggs : Contain all of the good protein, vitamins and minerals we need except Vitamin C China produces the most eggs: 160 Billion per year! A hen can produce 250 eggs per year White shelled eggs come from hens with white feathers and white ear lobes Brown shelled eggs come from hens with red feathers and red ear lobes Eggs help our eyes so that they will not become weakened with cataracts (lutein)

4 Variables Controlled variables: Amount (1 cup) of liquid, size of container (tall glass, 5 ½ inches deep), length of time in liquid (10 seconds), 1 egg (medium sized egg) Independent variable: Floating ability. Dependent variable: The solution as different variables were added to make up the solution

5 Hypothesis I predicted that the egg will float in milk because the yolk of the egg floats in the pancake mix my mom makes with milk.

6 Materials 1 medium sized egg 1 tall glass
A cup of fat free organic milk A cup of carbonated water A cup of salt water (1 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of salt) 1 standard ruler iPhone to take pictures

7 Procedure Pour 1 cup of water and a teaspoon of salt into the glass
Carefully place egg in the glass and Observe for 10 seconds Measure to see if egg floats Record Data Remove egg from glass Empty and rinse glass Pour 1 cup of carbonated soda into the glass Pour 1 cup of milk into the glass

8 Data/Observations Note: In milk, I believe the egg sank because I heard a 'clank' sound like it hit the bottom of the glass. But we were not able to see the egg in the glass because milk is not a clear liquid. Because we could not prove that the egg did or did not sink using our tools, we decided not to include milk in our result set since the experiment was inconclusive.

9 Conclusion The results indicated that an egg can and will float in salt water. The egg floated 4 inches from the bottom of the glass!


11 mILK ‘Hmm… Maybe milk wasn’t a good idea after all. Oh well. Mom, Can I make some chocolate milk???’



14 Works Cited Interesting Egg Fact.

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