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Poultry Judging: Past Production, Egg Quality, Ready-to-Cook Poultry

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1 Poultry Judging: Past Production, Egg Quality, Ready-to-Cook Poultry
Theresia K. Lavergne, Ph.D., P.A.S. Associate Professor School of Animal Sciences Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service

2 Poultry Judging Three parts of the contest:
Past egg production – live birds, oral reasons Ready-to-cook grading, part ID Egg quality grading

3 Poultry Judging Training resources:
National Poultry Judging Manual "University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension 4-H 460" 2002 revised edition $6.00 each Cooperative Extension Bulletin Distribution P.O. Box University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE o918 Phone: (402) Fax: (402)

4 Poultry Judging Training resources: 4H Poultry Judging Event CD
$15 each Available from: Dr. Jacquie Jacob, Poultry Extension Associate Department of Animal and Food Sciences, University of Kentucky 906 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY Phone:       Fax:

5 Poultry Judging Part 1: Past Egg Production
1. Judge 2 classes of 4 birds each for egg production - rank them 1 to 4 - all are white leghorn type birds 2. Give oral reasons on both classes

6 Poultry Judging Part 1: Past Egg Production Birds are ranked by:
Pigmentation loss/bleaching 2. Handling qualities 3. Abdominal capacity 4. Molt

7 Comb Tail



10 Group Number Contestant Number______________
CLASS A - EGG PRODUCTION DIRECTIONS - Below are all the possible placings for four individuals. Draw a circle around the placing which you consider correct. A = G = M = S = B = H = N = T = C = I = O = U = D = J = P = V = E = K = Q = W = F = L = R = X = Score________________

11 Poultry Judging Part 1: Past Egg Production Oral reasons:
Contestant number Placing; class description Top pair – pigmentation, handling qualities, abdominal capacity Middle pair - pigmentation, handling qualities, abdominal capacity

12 Poultry Judging Part 1: Past Egg Production Oral reasons:
5. Bottom pair - pigmentation, handling qualities, abdominal capacity 6. Bottom bird 7. Molt 8. Repeat placing 9. Are there any questions?

13 CLASS A-Reasons 4-H Oral Reason - Score Sheet Group Number Contestant Number _______________ Value Factors Score 1. Delivery and Appearance (General Neatness) 4 Contestant stood still on two feet and faced the judge Contestant spoke distinctly and with adequate volume Contestant used appropriate opening and closing sentences Contestant spoke smoothly and without long pauses 8 Contestant expressed confidence and convinced the judge 2. Proper use of Terms 10 Contestant emphasized proper evaluation factors Contestant used, understood and defined terms 3. Accuracy of Statements Contestant described birds based on visual appraisal Contestant presented true statements 4. Importance of Points Covered Contestant explained why one bird placed over another 16 Contestant stressed crucial differences among birds Contestant presented descriptions of birds TOTAL

14 Poultry Judging Part 2: Ready-to-Cook Poultry
Fryers – judge 2 classes of 10 dressed fryers according to USDA grades (2-6 pounds) 2. Hens – judge 1 class of 10 dressed hens according to USDA grades (6-16 pounds) 3. Broiler parts ID – identify 1 class of 10 parts

15 Poultry Judging Part 2: Ready-to-Cook Poultry Grading criteria:
1. Exposed flesh 2. Missing parts 3. Disjointed/broken bones Grades: A, B, C


17 Contestant Number __________ CLASS C - READY-TO-COOK FRYERS
Group Number ________ Contestant Number __________ CLASS C - READY-TO-COOK FRYERS Total Score_____________ Bird No. Quality Score A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

18 Poultry Judging Part 2: Broiler Parts ID 1. Whole breast
2. Split breast 3. Breast with ribs 4. Boneless breast 5. Breast quarter 6. Breast tenderloin 7. Whole leg 8. Boneless thigh 9. Leg quarter 10. Drumstick 11. Thigh 12. Wings 13. Giblets 14. Flat 15. Neck 16. Drummette 17. Back

19 Group #________ Contestant #_________ Class F: Identification of Parts Directions: Match the poultry part with the correct term. Place the number of the part in the blank next to the proper term. __ Whole breast __ Breast ¼ __ Breast with ribs __ Split breast __ Boneless breast __ Breast tenderloin __ Boneless thigh __ Whole leg __ Leg ¼ __ Drumstick __ Thigh __ Giblets __ Wings __ Neck __ Flats __ Drummette __ Back

20 Poultry Judging Part 3: Egg Quality
1. Interior quality (candling) – grade 2 classes of 20 eggs each (white shelled) 2. Exterior quality – grade 1 class of 20 eggs 3. Broken-out quality – grade one class of 10 eggs

21 Poultry Judging Part 3: Interior Egg Quality 1. Air cell depth 2. Yolk
3. White or albumen Grades: AA, A, B, Inedible


23 White

24 Group Number ______________ Contestant Number ______
CLASS H - MARKET EGGS INTERIOR QUALITY Total Score __________ Egg No. Quality Score AA A B Inedible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

25 Poultry Judging Part 3: Exterior Egg Quality 1. Stains
2. Adhering dirt 3. Egg shape 4. Shell texture 5. Ridges 6. Shell thickness 7. Body checks Grades: A, B, Dirty

26 Stain Egg Shape Body Checks

27 Group Number ______________ Contestant Number _______
CLASS I - MARKET EGGS EXTERIOR QUALITY Total Score __________ Egg No. Quality Score A B Dirty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

28 Poultry Judging Part 3: Broken-out Egg Quality
1. Height of thick albumen 2. Blood/meat spots Grades: AA, A, B, Inedible


30 Group Number ________ Contestant Number __________ CLASS J – BROKEN-OUT EGGS Total Score_____________ Egg No. Quality Score AA A B Inedible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Poultry Judging Total Points
Past egg production – live birds, oral reasons = 400 Ready-to-cook grading, part ID = 400 Egg quality grading =400 Total possible points: 1200

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