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GIS Guidance for WISE supporting reporting and application of data

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1 GIS Guidance for WISE supporting reporting and application of data
Updated Guidance on implementing the Geographical Information System Elements (GIS) of the EU Water legislation

2 Outline Purpose Form of document Overview of chapters
Future developments

3 Purpose of updating guidance document
It is the assumption that the GIS component of WISE will be a building block of the future European Spatial Data Infrastructure WISE will cover all water related policies The key services of WISE will be: the visualisation of geographic and geo-referenced data, the integration of data from different sources and at various levels (European and national levels), the compliance assessment of data related to the implementation of the water directives, and policy assessment through the creation and analysis of scenarios.

4 Purpose of updated guidance document
To support the development of WISE by providing conceptual overview, technical specifications and digital resources To be used by data providers and WISE developers. The existing guidance from 2003 has formed the starting point for the work.

5 The update reflect: The continuous interest in streamlining of reporting Experiences gained through first years of WFD implementation The developments in the application of the data provided by MS The wider scope of WISE – all water related policies Changes in frameworks (INSPIRE, SEIS) Development in technologies (web services and service oriented architecture)

6 Drafting team WRc consortium: WISE TG Others
Michael Stjernholm, NERI, AU Gabrela Vincze, UBA Tim Lack, Ruth Cullingford, John Cima WRc WISE TG Stefan Jensen EEA Violetta Vinceviciene DG ENV Alfred de Jager, Stephen Pedell, Kathleen Miserez JRC Ekkehard Petri ESTAT/GISCO Javier Fernandez Pereira, CH Duero Ralf Busskamp BfK Rombout Verwimp GeoSolutions Others Mette Lund EEA Kathleen Miserez JRC Jon Maidens, Atkins Walter Simonazzi, ETC-LUSI

7 Co-ownership Member states DG ENV EEA ESTAT JRC
In all water policy areas

8 INSPIRE Data harmonisation Components ~ Ideal content !

9 Form of document The main document provide the broader perspective of the GIS issues A Conceptual part A Technical part Appendices provide: Background documents legal texts and methodology studies Technical details data specifications processing recommendations

10 Form of document The main document and annexes are available through the web: The appendices with technical specifications documents are “snapshots” that reflect the current content of Data dictionaries and feature catalogues Shorter specific GIS guidance documents are to be developed for each reporting cycle

11 Conceptual part of guidance
The conceptual part provide: Overview of the role of GIS in WISE seen from both MS and EU side An introduction to how MS submitted and EU processed GIS datasets are related and used The principles of WISE when it come to: the application of standards, interoperability update of datasets management of identifiers and codes

12 Table of Contents 1/4 1- Introduction CONCEPTUAL
Purpose of guidance Development of WISE via implementing WFD and other EU-wide reporting on water Terminology and abbreviations CONCEPTUAL 2 - GIS in WISE: Developing common understanding Scope of GIS guidance and purpose of GIS in WISE GIS Guidance – a necessity for streamlining reporting The role of GIS in WISE MS GIS submissions and WISE GIS reference data sets GIS data requested from Member Stets under WISE

13 Table of Contents 2/4 3 - Definition of derived products (Maps)
Types of WISE GIS datasets Policy implementation visualisation Overview of WISE map viewer application State of the Environment visualisation Compliance assessments visualisation 4 - Principles of WISE compatibility and WISE interoperability What is WISE compatible? Update of existing datasets Creation of new datasets Management of identifiers and codes

14 Technical part of guidance
The technical part provide: The data specification approach and data model The overview of GIS layers in WISE The methodology and recommendations for European feature coding A description of metadata in WISE Description and recommendations for the application of GML as future exchange format An introduction to spatial data web services – an expected element of WISE

15 Technical part of guidance cont’d
Harmonisation: Description and recommendations for the validation and harmonisation processes which takes place at either Member State level or EU level Examples of the production of WISE Reference GIS datasets including challenges and principles for the data processing An overview of the use and challenges in applying reference features for visualising data submitted by Member States.

16 Technical part of guidance cont’d
Coordination: Description of the development phases we apply in defining a reporting cycle A short overview of the main coordinating groups of relevance for WISE development A short description of the role of the European institutions involved in the development of WISE

17 Table of Contents 3/4 5 - Technical descriptions
General approach for definition of datasets Overview of GIS layers and their relationships Data model European Feature coding Metadata Standards for data exchange Web services

18 Table of Contents 4/4 6 - Harmonisation 7 - Coordination
Validation and harmonisation of geometry, data definitions, data models, naming Production of WISE Reference GIS datasets WISE reference features for visualisation 7 - Coordination Development phases of reporting cycles Main coordination groups Involved organisations

19 Challenges INSPIRE IR and Best practice are still developing
Technical specification details are missing Technical tools have not yet been developed Specifications are continuously being added and adjusted

20 Amendments foreseen More specific guidelines for:
web services and the interoperability between MS and WISE nodes - “portal” the management of identifiers applied in the delivery and documentation of changes in updated datasets

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