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EVP Design Presentation

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1 EVP Design Presentation
CEB Corporate Leadership Council

2 Introduction What it does:
This template helps you summarize and present your employment value proposition (EVP) design to key stakeholders. How to Use it: Use these slides to present your EVP to internal stakeholders, or to preserve your final EVP design for use when you are communicating and delivering on your EVP. Instructions : Complete this template by filling in relevant information for the text marked in [red brackets]. You can change any text in this template as necessary. Use the other resources from the CEB Ignition GuideTM to Designing a Compelling EVP to help you complete this presentation. Delete the first two slides of this document before presenting.

3 Insert your organization’s logo here
Our Employment Value Proposition Design [Organization Name] [Date] Insert your organization’s logo here

4 Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP)
Roadmap Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP) Inputs to Our EVP Our EVP Design Next Steps

5 Summary of the EVP The Employment Value Proposition (EVP) is the set of attributes that the labor market and employees perceive as the value they gain through employment with the organization. An effective EVP extends the organization's reach into the labor market and builds employee retention. EVP Framework SPEAKER NOTES: The EVP drives attraction and commitment in the labor market. Constructing and delivering an effective EVP allows an organization to source more deeply within the labor market by increasing access to passive candidates. When candidates in the labor market view an organization’s EVP as attractive, they demand less of a compensation premium when deciding to join. Organizations with the most effective EVP’s have 30–40% of employees displaying high levels of commitment compared to less than 10% of employees in less effective organizations. Source: CEB analysis.

6 Five Phases of Our EVP and Employment Branding Project Plan
Note: Customize these stages as necessary for your organization’s project plan. Where We Are Now Five Phases of Our EVP and Employment Branding Project Plan I II III IV V Phases Planning Delivering on Employment Designing the EVP Monitoring the EVP Branding Steps Assemble support. Gather intelligence. Align HR investments with the EVP. Segment the employment brand. Measure EVP and branding effectiveness. Set goals. Prioritize EVP attributes. Deliver the EVP across the employee life cycle. Create brand messages. Govern and refine the EVP and brand. Segment EVP attributes. Communicate the EVP to employees. Communicate the brand to external audiences. SPEAKER NOTES: EVP design is the second of five stages in building an effective EVP and employment brand. The design stage is crucial for developing an EVP that resonates with the labor market, current employees, and strategic objectives. EVP design entails information gathering and evaluation of potential EVP attributes (e.g., development opportunities). Typical Timeline 1–3 months 6–9 months 12–24 months 12–24 months Ongoing

7 Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP)
Roadmap Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP) Inputs to Our EVP Our EVP Design Next Steps

8 Segment-Specific Variations
Note: Copy these tables from the ‘Summary of Inputs to EVP Design’ and reformat as necessary. The Labor Market Top Attraction Drivers [Attraction Driver #1] [Attraction Driver #2] [Attraction Driver #3] [Attraction Driver #4] [Attraction Driver #5] Top Attrition Drivers [Attrition Driver #1] [Attrition Driver #2] [Attrition Driver #3] [Attrition Driver #4] [Attrition Driver #5] Top Perceptions of Our Organization [Perception #1] [Perception #2] [Perception #3] [Perception #4] [Perception #5] Segment-Specific Variations [Name of Talent Segment #1] [Name of Talent Segment #2] [Name of Talent Segment #3] [Name of Talent Segment #4] [Name of Talent Segment #5] [Difference from overall labor market preferences or perceptions] SPEAKER NOTES: Our EVP is based in part on what drives employees to come to and leave an organization. From survey findings and focus groups, we found that [first two employee preferences you listed on the left] attract candidates to employers and dissatisfaction with [first two employee preferences you listed in the middle] compel employees to leave. See how the labor market perceives our organization on the right. At the bottom of the slide, see variations in preferences and perceptions of particular talent segments we’re interested in.

9 Our Talent Competitors
Note: Copy these tables from the ‘Summary of Inputs to EVP Design’ and reformat as necessary. Our Talent Competitors EVP Summary of Talent Competitors [Name of Talent Competitor A] [Name of Talent Competitor B] [Name of Talent Competitor C] Primary EVP Attributes [EVP attribute #1] [EVP attribute #2] [EVP attribute #3] Percentage of Our Employees Leaving to & Coming from the Competitor [x% of our employees leave to this talent competitor] [y% of our new hires worked for this talent competitor] Our Competitive Advantage  [We excel in…] SPEAKER NOTES: Our EVP is based in part on factors that differentiate us from talent competitors. Our talent competitors are those organizations that our employees and candidates compare us to when choosing an employer. From employment branding materials and focus groups, we found that our talent competitors focus on [two primary EVP attributes you listed at the top]. We can find competitive advantage in [two primary things you listed at the bottom].

10 Our Business and HR Strategies
Note: Copy these tables from the ‘Summary of Inputs to EVP Design’ and reformat as necessary. Our Business and HR Strategies Organization Strategic Mission: [Our organization’s strategic mission] Organizational Values: [Our organization’s values] Strategic Business Objectives: [3–5 main objectives of our organization within the next few years] HR Strategic Mission: [Our HR organization’s strategic mission] HR Objectives: [3–5 main objectives of our HR organization within the next few years] HR Capabilities: [5–10 core strengths of the HR team] SPEAKER NOTES: Our EVP is based in part on the strategic plan of the business and HR. From strategic planning documents and conversations with business leadership, we verified the strategic direction of the organization to be [short summary of objectives and values]. Our HR organization supports this direction with a focus on [short summary of mission statement or objectives that you listed at the bottom of the slide].

11 Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP)
Roadmap Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP) Inputs to Our EVP Our EVP Design Next Steps

12 Our “Core” Organization-Wide EVP
Note: Copy this table from the output of the ‘Core EVP Generator’ and reformat as necessary. Our “Core” Organization-Wide EVP OUR CORE EVP [Core EVP Attribute #1] [Core EVP Attribute #2] [Core EVP Attribute #3] [Core EVP Attribute #4] [Core EVP Attribute #5] SPEAKER NOTES: Our EVP puts us in a position to attract and retain top talent. Our EVP focuses on [the top 1–2 EVP attributes of your overall EVP].

13 Our EVP Segmentation Our Talent Segments Our Core EVP:
Note: Copy this table from the output of the ‘Segmented EVP Generator’ and reformat as necessary. Our EVP Segmentation Our Talent Segments Our Core EVP: [Talent Segment #1] [Talent Segment #2] [Talent Segment #3] [Talent Segment #4] [Talent Segment #5] [Core EVP Attribute #1]  [Alteration] [Core EVP Attribute #2] [Core EVP Attribute #3] [Core EVP Attribute #4] [Core EVP Attribute #5] Custom EVP Attributes: [Custom attribute #1] [Custom attribute #2] [Custom attribute #3] SPEAKER NOTES: Our critical talent segments will receive a customized version of our core EVP. We determined if and how to alter each of our core EVP attributes for our critical talent segments, and in some cases added new EVP attributes for those segments.

14 Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP)
Roadmap Introduction to the Employment Value Proposition (EVP) Inputs to Our EVP Our EVP Design Next Steps

15 Next Steps for the EVP Initiative
Note: Customize these next steps as necessary for your organization’s project plan. Moving Forward Next Steps for the EVP Initiative EVP Communication Communicate EVP to senior leadership, managers, and employees Communicate EVP to the labor market via employment branding [Insert other next steps relevant to your organization] EVP Delivery Integrate EVP attributes into HR strategic planning process Create and deliver talent management policies and processes to support the EVP Measure how well we are delivering on our EVP promises [Insert other next steps relevant to your organization] SPEAKER NOTES: With EVP design in place, promotion and delivery are major priorities. Communicating our EVP includes internal and external promotion. Delivering on our EVP requires integration with HR strategic planning and putting a measurement scheme in place.


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