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Computers in Agriculture

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1 Computers in Agriculture

2 Interest Approach Invite the manager of the local FS cooperative to visit the class. Have the manager explain how computers are used in the business. What new technology is on the horizon that will impact agri- businesses and producers? Have the manager explain the need for computer literacy among employees.

3 Student Learning Objectives
Student Learning Objectives. Instruction in this lesson should result in students achieving the following objectives: 1 Describe some general applications of computers in agribusiness management. 2 Explain general computer applications by producers in the major segments of agricultural production. 3 Discuss the use of computers in site- specific crop management.

4 Terms. The following terms are presented in this lesson (shown in bold italics):
accounting systems computer networks geographic information systems (GIS) global positioning system (GPS) inventory management layering precision farming remote sensing site-specific crop management (SSCM) triangulation variable rate technology (VRT)

5 OBJECTIVE 1: Describe some general applications of computers in agribusiness management.
Anticipated Problem: How can agribusiness managers use computers effectively? I. Computers are important tools for agribusiness managers. They can be used to gather important information and aid in the analysis and management of the relevant information. Computers are used by agribusinesses for the following applications:

6 OBJECTIVE 1 CONT. A. Access to information
1. Computer networks allow businesses to access a wealth of information that can influence business decisions. 2. Such information includes market prices, educational materials, government reports, and weather forecasts.

7 OBJECTIVE 1 CONT. B. Financial records
1. Accounting systems aid in keeping accurate financial records. 2. Accurate financial records allow managers to make good decisions. 3. Such financial records include income statements, budgets, tax reports, and other pertinent information relevant to lenders and government agencies.

8 OBJECTIVE 1 CONT. C. Marketing
1. Marketing considerations must be taken into account by agribusinesses. 2. Computers assist in keeping track of customers, what they order, and when they order it. This information assists managers in putting resources to the best possible use.

9 OBJECTIVE 1 CONT. D. Inventory management
1. Inventory management is a system for keeping track of business assets. 2. Computers are used to simplify inventory management. They allow for quick updating so that records are current.

10 OBJECTIVE 2: Explain general computer applications by producers in the major segments of agricultural production. Anticipated Problem: How do agricultural producers use computers effectively? II. Agricultural producers have come to depend on computers as important management tools. Computers are used by producers in the following major areas of agriculture:

11 OBJECTIVE 2 CONT. A. Animal science 1. Animal agriculture is a sophisticated business that must be managed effectively. 2. Animal producers use computers to manage breeding records, ration evaluations, health records, environmental control, and other uses.

12 OBJECTIVE 2 CONT. B. Plant science 1. Computers enable crop producers to keep track of plant fertility and growing conditions. 2. They can also be used in monitoring costs and inputs for a crop during the growing season. 3. Computer systems are used to regulate greenhouse environments and to adjust fertilization rates.

13 OBJECTIVE 2 CONT. C. Machinery management 1. Computers aid producers in monitoring the use and condition of machinery. 2. Such information allows managers to make decisions on how to best use the machinery.

14 OBJECTIVE 3: Discuss the use of computers in site-specific crop management.
Anticipated Problem: How are computers applied to site-specific crop management? III. Site-specific crop management (SSCM) involves the use of computer technology to apply the correct amounts of appropriate inputs to crops, to apply those amounts to specific locations, and to apply the inputs in a cost- effective manner. Specific uses of computer technology in plant production include:

15 OBJECTIVE 3 CONT. A. Precision farming
1. Precision farming uses cropping practices that improve yields based on the needs of the land. 2. Computers are used in dividing fields into small areas based on information collected with satellites. Computer-controlled equipment is used to apply needed inputs and to record yields for each small area within a field.

16 OBJECTIVE 3 CONT. B. Remote sensing
1. Remote sensing involves gathering and recording data from great distances. Most remote sensors are located on satellites that orbit the earth. 2. Producers use remote sensing to forecast the weather, locate natural resources, and detect crop diseases.

17 OBJECTIVE 3 CONT. C. Geographic information systems (GIS)
1. Geographic information systems (GIS) use computers to partition fields into grids and then map the grids for physical attributes. Individual maps are developed for fertility, pesticide residues, soil type and texture, and many other attributes. 2. Computers are also used in layering the individual maps. Layering combines the data from different maps. It gives a site-specific picture of the field. The maps are saved in computer databases that are loaded onto computers in machinery. Operators view the maps and apply appropriate inputs.

18 OBJECTIVE 3 CONT. D. Global positioning system (GPS)
1. Global positioning system (GPS) is a system of satellites orbiting the earth at very high altitudes. Computers, contained in handheld receivers, determine positions on the earth by measuring the distance from a group of satellites in space. The satellites serve as reference points. When distances are known from four satellites, a single point can be defined on the earth’s surface. The fourth satellite is used for error correction. 2. Theoretically, a position on the earth can be defined using three satellites. In trigonometry, this theory is referred to as triangulation.

19 OBJECTIVE 3 CONT. E. Variable rate technology (VRT)
1. Variable rate technology (VRT) involves customizing the rate of application of inputs in a field without stopping. 2. Computers located on equipment are used to determine exact field locations and appropriate inputs for each location.

20 REVIEW 1. How can agribusiness managers use computers effectively?
2. How do agricultural producers use computers effectively? 3. How are computers applied to site-specific crop management?

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