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North American Landmarks

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1 North American Landmarks

2 American Landmarks Directions- Find and label on your map of America. Make a key that explains symbols that represent landmarks. Rocky Mountains (left side) Appalachian Mountains (right side) Mississippi River ( Runs north and south) Gulf Coastal Plain ( by Gulf of Mexico) The Great Lakes ( around Michigan, duh…) New York City ( Sate of New York) Washington D.C. (border of Virginia and Maryland)

3 American Landmarks (continued)
Cascade mountain range(Oregon, Washington) Sierra Nevada Mountain Range (California) Great Salt Lake (Utah) Missouri River(Nebraska, Montana) Los Angeles (California) Chicago (in Illinois) Detroit (Michigan duh…) The Great Plains( Middle of America.) Pacific Ocean (West coast) Atlantic Ocean( East coast) Gulf of Mexico(by Florida)

4 Creating a map of Landmarks
On your map, I want you first to label each state with the abbreviation. Like MI for Michigan. Type in “United States State Abbreviations” into google. Lastly, find and label the different United States Landmarks.

5 United States Sketch Directions- You need to sketch the outline of the United States on a piece of line paper. It should be about the size of the paper. Take your time and do it well. Include the following things on your map and include a key. Mississippi River, Missouri River, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, The Great Plains, Washington D.C., Detroit, Los Angeles, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico.

6 American Landmark Story
Use your creative juices to create a story about a trip to different American landmarks. Choose one of the landmarks, and write a story taking place at one of these landmarks. Make sure to use details from your web quest in your story.

7 Canadian Landmarks Pick one or two of the following Canadian landmarks. Canadian Shield, Toronto City, Niagara Falls, Canadian Rocky Mountains or Quebec City. Research and find 15 different facts about the landmark you researched. Label your paper 1-15 on a piece of line paper. Skip lines. Write your 15 different facts.

8 Canadian Landmarks Report
Your job is to turn your 15 facts into a report about what you researched. The purpose of this writing is to teach someone about the place you researched. It must be in COMPLETE SENTENCES and IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

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