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Born in the Bone Marrow, but some mature in other organs.

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1 Born in the Bone Marrow, but some mature in other organs.
Meet Your Team White Blood Cells Help the body fight against the invaders in the war against infection and disease Born in the Bone Marrow, but some mature in other organs.

2 It all begins with the Blood!
Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to all the blood types. Two types: The Myeloid and Lymphoid Myeloid cells give rise to - Erythrocytes, your red blood cells - platelets - progenitor cells which are the precursors to Leucocytes Lymphoid cells give rise to - B-cells and T-cells

3 Progenitor Cells Stem cells that mature to White Blood Cells called Leukocytes Mature in Bone Marrow
Task: Search out, destroy and ingest invaders Myloblasts Neutrophils Monoblasts Dendritic Cells Esinophils Basophils Unlike macrophages, they do not ingest invaders to gain the antigen, but are unique antigen presenting cells that activate Helper T-cells, particularly involved with cancer cells removal. Mast Cells

4 Myloblasts Neutrophils 50- 70 % of white blood cells in blood.
Very involved in attacking invaders. Esinophils 1-3 % of white blood Destroy antibody coated parasites. Basophils  .5 % of white blood cells in blood. Will enter tissues and become mast cells. Mast Cells not found in blood. Located in tissues

5 Antigen Presenting Cells
Monoblasts Phagocytes Antigen Presenting Cells Macrophages Monocytes Short lived phagocytic cells from blood into tissues to become Macrophages. Very large cells with long extending pseudopodia (streaming cytoplasm extensions that capture invaders)

6 Lymphocytes 20-30% of white blood cells Made in Bone Marrow But mature IN LYMPH SYSTEM
T-Cells Mature in the Thymus Lymph organ just above the heart 80 % of circulating Lymphocytes Helper T-Cell Messengers between the non-specific to the specific response attach to macrophages that have become Antigen Presenting Cells Activate the two specific immune responses Cell-Mediated Response Memory Helper T-Cell Cytotoxic T-Cell Have antigen and often called previous experienced antigen cell, can respond quickly to a second exposure to the invader Activate a quicker and stronger specific response of Cytotoxic T-cells. Considered the Killer T-Cell, attack and destroy invaders! These are the first responders after helper T-cells have been notified of invaders

7 Lymphocytes 20-30% of white blood cells Made in Bone Marrow and released immature into blood growing common antibody proteins on the cell surface to antigens B-Cells Circulate throughout blood and travel to Lymph system when activated by Helper T-Cells due to invader notification B-Cells become activated to change into: Humoral Response Memory B-Cells Plasma Cells Make specific antibodies to attack the specific invader. This is called the Humoral Primary Response to the Invader. These are the second responders to attack the invaders and flag them for disposal and destruction by macrophages and neutrophils Make specific antibodies to the specific invader for future exposure. If the body ever becomes exposed to the same invader the body will be prepared to attack in a secondary response faster than it had when it first encountered the microbe. Antibodies

8 Immune System in Review
Your immune system fights against any cells that are not “self” cells. It fights against disease caused by invaders or pathogens that enter into the body. Cells of your immune system attack viruses, bacteria, protozoans, parasites, and fungus. These pathogens usually have antigens, special proteins that elicit an antibody generating response. Your “self” cells can become an invader when they become abnormal. This is called cancer. Your immune system fights cancer cells as they arise, it is believed this happens daily and is controlled, but when it becomes uncontrolled, the cancer spreads and is winning the battle and extra treatment must be sought. Other factors can cause disease. Genetic and autoimmune system disorders will cause the immune system to respond. Other invaders can cause an immune response because they have antigens but are not pathogens, these are allergens. A war is waged every day in your body …Every Day YOU WIN ……there are those times when you need extra help ….that is when you call the Doctor!

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