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Note Exam Monday, 7 March at 12:50 in class

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1 Note Exam Monday, 7 March at 12:50 in class 65 minutes, bring a calculator and answer in pen -50 multiple choice questions-50 points -1 short answer question-10 points -all Nutrition 263 material to and inclusive of 14 February 2011-strong emphasis on notes

2 Lecture 6a 14 Feb Hypertension Pathology Nutritional Intervention Nutraceutical Approaches

3 Group activity Better to manage blood pressure with diet or drugs?

4 PATHOLOGY Water volume Water viscosity Vasodilation Vasoconstriction

5 Pathology-Water volume
-kidney function -salt load-osmosis

6 Pathology- Water viscosity
-salt load-osmosis -fat load-cells are more difficult to shove through tiny spaces if loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol -saturated fat makes the cells less pliable - as the cholesterol to phospholipid ratio goes up in cells they are less pliable

7 Pathology- Vasodilation- ability of artery to expand
-important to overcome volume to space ratio -saturated fat makes walls stiffer and vasodilation more difficult -cholesterol influx makes vasodilation even more important since cholesterol can reduce lumen size

8 Pathology- Vasoconstriction
-occurs when cholesterol and other lipids infiltrate the arterial wall -calcium follows causing stiffening of the arteries

9 What can be done nutritionally ?
Group discussion- what are the food groups that affect blood pressure- how?

10 What are the nutritional interventions ?
Water volume Reduce salt intake to 1500 mg Na (or x milligrammes of NaCl) –why the difference (ie not 50/50) particularly in salt sensitive persons Reduces osmotic pressure Reducing blood pressure can keep kidney able to regulate water volume

11 Nutritional interventions -Water viscosity
-reduce salt load- overcomes the osmosis factor discussed above. -fat load-reduce saturated fat and cholesterol to encourage cell pliability via decreased saturated fat in the cell walls combined with a decreased cholesterol:phospholipid ratio in the cell walls -fat load reductions accomplished by table 6


13 Nutritional interventions -Vasodilation- ability of artery to expand
-important to overcome volume to space ratio -reduce saturated fat and cholesterol and increase monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat -makes walls less stiff and vasodilation easier -also diets rich in fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products helps in this regard

14 Nutritional interventions -Vasodilation-
-monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats also displace saturated fats and reduce cholesterol synthesis in the body -cholesterol influx makes vasodilation even more important since cholesterol can reduce lumen size -increase potassium intake

15 Nutritional interventions -Vasoconstriction
-nutritional interventions as above

16 Nutraceuticals Class activity-better to use nutraceuticals or drugs to combat blood pressure

17 Nutraceuticals-Water volume
To improve kidney function reduce blood pressure -less chance of renal failure

18 Nutraceuticals -Water viscosity
Gamma-linolenic and dihomogammalinolenic and alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids are all polyunsaturated fatty acids and they displace saturated fatty acids in the cell membranes thus increasing cell membrane fluidity Increases in cell membrane fluidity-reduced resistance posed by cells as they squeeze through tiny spaces

19 Nutraceuticals-Vasodilation- ability of artery to expand
Gamma linolenic acid produces dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA) and DGLA produces prostaglandin I1 (PGI1)and prostaglandin E1(PGE1) Alpha-linolenic acid produces eicosapentanenoic acid (EPA) and EPA produces prostaglandin I3 (PGI3) PGI1 and PGE1 and PGI3 are all vasodilatory eicosanoids

20 Nutraceuticals-Vasodilation- ability of artery to expand
Any of these fatty acids reduce the production of vasoconstrictory thromboxane A2 which is derived from arachidonic acid Such a reduction in TxA2 results from decreased availability of arachidonic acid Garlic capsules increases vasodilatory nitric oxide

21 Concept of reverse nutraceutical-avoid excessive alcohol -excessive alcohol can raise triglycerides

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