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4/14 & 4/15- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about history of space flight Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.224 – 226 Chap 11 & 12 Test Textbook.

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Presentation on theme: "4/14 & 4/15- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about history of space flight Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.224 – 226 Chap 11 & 12 Test Textbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/14 & 4/15- 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about history of space flight Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.224 – 226 Chap 11 & 12 Test Textbook Reading: p HW: Reading & Notetaking p.227– 228

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Write 3 questions about unmanned space missions.

3 History of Manned Space Flight
The first American in a suborbital flight was Alan Shepard in 1961 The first American (John Glenn) was put into orbit in 1962

4 History of Manned Space Flight
The first American to walk in space was Edward White in 1965 He later died in the Apollo 1 fire accident

5 History of Manned Space Flight

6 History of Manned Space Flight

7 History of Manned Space Flight

8 Apollo 1 Fire in 1967

9 Apollo 11 landed on the moon in July 1969

10 Apollo 13 explosion nearlly killed all the astronauts

11 Apollo Buggy was included in Apollo 15, 16, 17 (1971, 1972)

12 History of Manned Space Flight
We have not been back to the moon since 1972 First Shuttle flight was in 1981 After 2 Shuttles were lost, the Space Shuttles were retired in 2011 International Space Station has been in operation since 1998

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