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Undergraduate Research and Mentoring Education at Queens College

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1 Undergraduate Research and Mentoring Education at Queens College
Yasemin Jones (Office of the Provost) Eva Fernández (Center for Teaching & Learning)

2 Purpose Queens College strategic plan mission goal:
“Prepare students to become leaders of our global society by offering a rigorous education in the liberal arts and sciences under the guidance of a faculty dedicated to both teaching and research.” Research opportunities for undergraduate students combined with support for faculty research.  Faculty’s expertise and research goals combined with students’ interests and career goals

3 Program History Original program: 1994–2004
Program revived in fall by new Provost Jim Stellar 2009–2010: Faculty-led projects 2010–2011: Added new track, student-led projects

4 Current Structure and Process
Part of growing set of initiatives classified as experiential education (Office of the Provost) Cross-divisional advisory committee including 5 faculty, 2 students, 1 administrator Calls for proposals in early fall, funding through the end of spring Research symposium in early fall

5 Proposal Process Announcements via , College website, word of mouth Committee reviews: at least 3 readers per proposal Review criteria: A. Quality B. Feasibility C. Broader impacts of anticipated outcomes D. Evidence of project's capacity for student engagement and interaction with discipline (i.e., development of new skill sets, participation in paper/lab)

6 “I should mention that as an undergraduate myself, I conducted some research under the advisement of a faculty mentor, and presented my findings at the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference. I found this to be an inspiring experience, further motivating me to pursue a career in mathematics. It is my goal to help interested students achieve a similar experience.” (Dr. S. Wilson, Mathematics, URME faculty–led project awardee, )

7 Participation & Cost 2009–2010 2010–2011 Faculty-Led Student-Led
Submitted (funds requested) 51 ($106,000) 23 ($51,800) 31 ($38,750) Supported (funding rate) 17 (33%) 16 (69%) 16 (52%) Total faculty 19 16 Total students 70 45 17 Program cost $37,000 $30,700 $10,900 $41,600

8 Expected outcomes For faculty: For students: For institution:
Supports tenure and promotion by increasing productivity in research (journal submissions, grant proposals) For students: Improves quality of student experience Improves GPAs and admission into competitive graduate programs Affords participation in national and international conferences For institution: Enhances QC’s reputation Increases number of undergraduates staying at Queens for graduate work Improves retention and graduation


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