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Steve Jobs This unit was created by the Louisiana Department of Education in partnership with LearnZillion. It includes approximately 36 days of instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Jobs This unit was created by the Louisiana Department of Education in partnership with LearnZillion. It includes approximately 36 days of instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Jobs This unit was created by the Louisiana Department of Education in partnership with LearnZillion. It includes approximately 36 days of instructional materials including classroom-ready materials, assessments, graphic organizers, and texts.

2 Write your own poem about Casey coming up to bat.
Jaguar Jumpstart Write your own poem about Casey coming up to bat. Give it a different ending from that of the original poem.

3 Read “Casey at the Bat,” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Yesterday, We... Read “Casey at the Bat,” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer Described the characters Analyzed the plot

4 Learn the basic concepts involved in reading and analyzing poetry.
Today, We Will... Learn the basic concepts involved in reading and analyzing poetry.

5 What is Rhythm in Poetry?
Think of a song you like. What is it about that song that makes you tap your feet or want to dance? It is the rhythm of the song. Let’s demonstrate!

6 What is Rhythm in Poetry?
Top Hits of 2018!

7 beat meter syllable foot vowel What is Rhythm in Poetry?
Similarly, most poems have rhythm, or a _______, as well. We also call that beat _________. Each specific ____________ in a line of poetry is called a ________. A syllable is a new ________ sound. meter syllable foot vowel

8 patterns rhythm fun pronounced strongly What is Rhythm in Poetry?
Poets carefully arrange their words so that they create ____________ of _________. Rhythm makes the poem much more _______ to read. In most words that have more than one syllable, one of the syllables is _______________ more __________ than the others. patterns rhythm fun pronounced strongly

9 See for Yourself! What is Rhythm in Poetry?
We say that this syllable is “stressed” or “accented.”

10 stressed unstressed What is Rhythm in Poetry?
By writing your words in such a way that they form repeating patterns of __________ and ___________ syllables, you can add rhythm to your poems. Read this: It sounds like this: stressed unstressed

11 What is Rhythm in Poetry?
See what happened? The author wrote his words in such a way that they formed repeating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. . By doing so, he created rhythm.

12 words important compact word Word Choice in Poetry:
Word Choice = the ______ a poet chooses to use.  .. Word choice is extremely _________ in poetry. Since the poem is more ________ than a story, it means that every _____ counts. important compact word

13 sound feel Word Choice in Poetry?
.. Poets sometimes choose words for the way they _______, and other times for how they make us _______. sound feel

14 What is Rhythm in Poetry?
NOW listen to this song. . In particular, how does Taylor emphasize some syllables and not others, in order to create rhythm? All of this involves her WORD CHOICE.

15 syllables lines white space paragraph verse Other Poetry Vocabulary:
Rhyme = the repetition of __________, particularly at the end of a line. EXAMPLE: .. Stanza: Several _____ of poetry grouped together, with _______ ______ above and below. It is the basic unit of a poem. It is like a ____________ in a story or a ______ in a song. lines white space paragraph verse

16 Other Poetry Vocabulary:
An easier way to remember: Rhyme = same sound repeated Stanza = section

17 Rhyme and Stanza: RHYME STANZAS

18 stand apart rhyme rhythm Other Poetry Vocabulary:
Couplet = two lines of poetry that _______ _______ from the rest of the poem. Often, these two lines will _______ and have the same ________. EXAMPLE: . stand apart rhyme rhythm C O U P L E T S

19 picture Other Poetry Vocabulary:
. Imagery = words that paint a _________ in our mind EXAMPLE: It was dark and dim in the luscious green forest. picture

20 Other Poetry Vocabulary:

21 feel actual Other Poetry Vocabulary:
Connotation = how a word makes me _____ EXAMPLE: cheap has a ___________ connotation, but inexpensive has a __________ connotation. Denotation = _______ meaning of a word EXAMPLE: snake = a scaly, legless, sometimes venomous reptile having a long, cylindrical body feel negative positive actual

22 Other Poetry Vocabulary:

23 Tomorrow, we will apply these concepts to “Casey at the Bat.”
Let’s Close… In this lesson, we learned the basic concepts related to reding and analyzing poetry. Tomorrow, we will apply these concepts to “Casey at the Bat.” Additionally, you learned about cause and effect..

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