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Mice immunized twice with RRBC showed superior protection to tumor challenge with αGal-positive MC38 colon carcinoma cells compared with mock-immunized.

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1 Mice immunized twice with RRBC showed superior protection to tumor challenge with αGal-positive MC38 colon carcinoma cells compared with mock-immunized mice. Mice immunized twice with RRBC showed superior protection to tumor challenge with αGal-positive MC38 colon carcinoma cells compared with mock-immunized mice. Survival curves for immunized αGT KO mice (group 1) and mock-immunized αGT KO mice (group 2) and C57BL/6 mice (group 3) after MC38 tumor cell challenge. Mice were immunized or mock immunized twice with 107 RRBC, 28 and 14 days before tumor cell challenge. All mice were challenged with 2.5 × 104 MC38 cells. Group 1 αGT KO mice were immunized with RRBC and demonstrated 100% survival to tumor cell challenge (P < ) in comparison to group 2 mock-immunized αGT KO mice (60% survival) and group 3 mock-immunized C57BL/6 mice (0% survival). Robert C. Unfer et al. Cancer Res 2003;63: ©2003 by American Association for Cancer Research

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