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Alien and Sedition Acts

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Presentation on theme: "Alien and Sedition Acts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alien and Sedition Acts
1’s- defend Alien and Sedition Acts What good did they do? What was their purpose? 2’s- attack the Alien and Sedition Acts What were the problems with them?

2 Review Video What was Hamilton’s (Federalist) view of government/America? What was Jefferson’s (Dem-Rep)? What was the relationship between France and Britain and the US? What is Adams’ presidency best known for?

3 What was the response to Adam’s presidency?
What were the issues of the election of 1800?

4 Backlash to Alien & Sedition Acts
10 convicted Criticizing, not plotting Response- Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Written by Jefferson and Madison Federal government has no power to limit rights of speech and press Each state can cancel federal laws What is the problem with that?

5 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Other states did not respond favorably Alien and Sedition Acts not repealed Important argument about states’ rights Slavery

6 Adams and France France government wanted to repair relationship
Adams sent diplomats to France Convention of Treaty that restored peace Released US from 1778 alliance

7 Election of 1800 Democratic-Republicans: Thomas Jefferson
VP- Aaron Burr Federalists: John Adams VP- Charles Pinckney (involved XYZ affair) Party was badly divided- Hamilton disliked Adams

8 Election of 1800 Campaign Poster
In groups, make a campaign poster for Jefferson or Adams. The position (leader, party) should be clear and obvious Include at least two issues of the election and their stance / character assassination: Relations with France Constitution / rights / states’ rights Role of government Finances


10 Election of 1800 Adams – 65 votes Jefferson – 73 votes Burr - 73 votes
House of Representatives broke tie- Jefferson president

11 Jefferson as president
Democratic-Republican Believes in small government Believes in states’ rights Has relationship with the French Emphasizes rural living, not wealth or elite How do you think Jefferson differed from: Washington Adams

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