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U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Pharmacist Dr

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1 5. 8. 19. U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1886 - Pharmacist Dr
U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Pharmacist Dr. John Styth Pemberton invented what would later be called "Coca-Cola.“ The U.S. Congress passed a Joint Resolution that designated the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day –VE Day U.S. President Harry Truman announced that World War II had ended in Europe U.S. President Eisenhower ordered the National Guard out of Little Rock as Ernest Green became the first black to graduate from an Arkansas public school Mike and Marian Ilitch founded "Little Caesars Pizza Treat" Diplomatic relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union resumed Militant American Indians who had held the South Dakota hamlet of Wounded Knee for 10 weeks surrendered. BELL WORK: #4 PICK-UP THE TRIUMPHS OF A CRUSADE. COMPLETE ACTIVE READING: AS YOU READ THE PASSAGE: 1. UNDERLINE IMPORTANT INFORMATION/TERMS/ NAMES. 2. CIRCLE UNFAMILIAR INFORMATION/TERMS/ NAMES. 3. ASK QUESTIONS IN MARGINS, SPACE BELOW OR BACK ABOUT CIRCLED ITEMS. 4. WHICH EVENT DID YOU FIND MOST INTERESTING? WHY? AGENDA: (35:00-47:50) DISCUSS KENNEDY & CIVIL RIGHTS. WORK ON ACTIVITY 8.2 CIVIL RIGHTS UNDER KENNEDY. COMPLETE CIVIL RIGHTS TRIUMPHS DBQ. COMPLETE EXIT TICKET. HOMEWORK: WATCH VIDEO 8.2 & COMPLETE CORNELL NOTES. UNIT 8 VOCABULARY

2 Exit Ticket/8.2 Objective Assessment
The 1960s saw major breakthroughs for the civil rights movement. In 1961 members of CORE and SNCC known as (1)_____ rode busses into the South to test laws that were supposed to (2)_____ interstate busses. In 1962 (3)_____ became the first African-American to attend the University of Mississippi. Then in 1963 MLK headed to (4)_____, Alabama where he was jailed, while in jail MLK wrote his famous (4)_____. In Birmingham it was decided that (5)_____, rather than adults, would be used in the marches. During the first march nearly 1,000 children were arrested by Sheriff (6)_____. In 1963 President (7)_____ used his power to force Governor (8)_____ of Alabama to integrate the University of (9)_____. Shortly after that (10)_____, the NAACP leader in Mississippi, was murdered by a white supremacist in his own driveway.

3 Exit Ticket/Objective 8.2 Assessment
Do you think President Kennedy was doing enough to help African-Americans gain equality? Be sure to provide: C (claim, restate question with opinion) E (two pieces of supporting evidence) R (reasoning, explain evidence)

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