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Transparency and traceability by design

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Presentation on theme: "Transparency and traceability by design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transparency and traceability by design
Theme D: Innovative IT solutions for textile value chain. How can blockchain technology help? Oct.3, 2017 Lan Ge UN/CEFACT Textile Conference Rome, Italy

2 Blockchain for Agrifood
A Proof of Concept Pilot

3 Visibility Maturity Blockchain Technology Bitcoin Technology trigger
Peak of Inflated Expectation Trough of disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of productivity Maturity

4 A tangled web Costly, Vulnerable, burden

5 Concept: A single shared layer of truth?

6 Traceability and transparency in textile value chains
Efficiency Quality Fairness Transactions Plots Environmental quality Products Food safety Farmer Social standards ... Validation & verification Farm Identities Compliance and provenance of textile products

7 Different roles and actors in the chain
Certification body (Bob) Farmer (Steve) Accreditation body (Alice) Trader (Bill) Certification body (Carol) Auditor (Charles) Trader (Carlos) Farmer (Frank)

8 Thank you for your attention
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