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Graduation 2019 Our Last Voyage!.

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1 Graduation 2019 Our Last Voyage!

2 Expectations Students, parents, and guests are expected to behave in a manner befitting any dignified event. Therefore, we strongly urge that the audience refrain from any behavior which could be considered distracting to others. - No balloons, signs, noisemakers, etc. All students walking across the stage have worked hard for this goal and should be treated with the highest respect.

3 Graduation Slide Show
Send pictures you want to see in the graduation slideshow to the below by May 1. Pictures should be of the Class of students, but can be from all high school years.

4 Collection of $enior Fee$
Includes Cap, Gown, Tassel, 2 t-shirts, 1 sweatshirt, and all graduation expenses. Collected before and after school April 8-12 in room 619. Last chance! Senior Fees not paid by April 12 will be reported as a debt to the school. $110 Must pay to participate in graduation, Anchors Away, Senior Breakfast, etc.

5 Seniors last week Senior Exemptions! Seniors must have an 80% for BOTH 3rd and 4th quarter, AND exemptions are at the discretion of the teacher. Monday (5/6) and Tuesday (5/7) – attend ALL classes, even if you are exempt from the exams on those days Wednesday (5/8) and Thursday (5/9) – only attend exams that you are required to take  AP Exams take precedence over senior exams. *All senior exams MUST be completed by Friday, May 10th at 10:00 a.m. *All textbooks MUST be returned and all fines paid by Friday, May 10th at noon in order to participate in graduation practices and in the commencement exercises.

6 Exam schedule Per Mon 5/6 (Skinny) Tues 5/7 (Even) Wed 5/8 (Odd) Thurs
Fri 5/10 (Odd) 1 7:30-8:10 Class Senior Breakfast (after attendance taken) **8:35-10:16 1st period EXAM 7:30-8:30 Make Up Day 2 8:15-8:55 **7:30-8:30 2nd period Class X 8:35-10:16 2nd period EXAM For 3 9:00-9:40 3rd period EXAM Senior Exams 4 9:45-10:25 10:21-12:37 Class & Lunch 4th period EXAM Affected teachers take C lunch 5 10:30-12:10 A: 10:30-11:00 B: 11:05-11:35 C: 11:40-12:10 **10:21-12:37 5th pd. EXAM Affected teachers take C lunch ALL MAKE-UP EXAMS MUST BE COMPLETED BY 10:00 a.m. 6 12:15-12:55 12:42-2:25 6th period EXAM Pay all debts and return all books by NOON 7 1:00-2:25 7th period EXAM Exam schedule

7 Graduation Practices Be on time. Students who are late will not be allowed to participate. Attendance at ALL graduation practices is required. Students who miss any practice will not be allowed to walk. “I have to work” is not an excuse. Submit WRITTEN request for exceptions to room 403 by May 1. Approvals/denials will be given by May 6.

Graduation Practices May 15 - Graduation Practice at BRHS Auditorium           Caps/Gowns/Tassels/Tickets will be distributed                   2:00 - 2:55 – Top 10% only                   3:00– 4:25– Arts and Business                   4:30 - 5:55 – Engineering and Science  May 16 - Graduation Practice at Bradenton Area Convention Center 8:30 am – 10:30 am ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY!!!! You must be on time!

9 Graduation Thursday May 16 at 7:00 PM – Manatee Convention Center 6:00 PM – Graduates should arrive. Parking for graduates, parents, and guests will be challenging, so carpool whenever possible. Park only in designated areas. 6:15 PM - Doors will open for guests. Only graduates and faculty are allowed inside prior to 6:15 pm. 7:00 PM – Ceremony start and doors lock 7:10PM – Doors re-open

10 Graduation Attire Young men are expected to wear a white, collared shirt. A tie is requested, but not required. They should wear black pants and black shoes. Young ladies should wear a skirt or dress, but the length should not extend beneath the hem of the gown. They should wear black shoes. No bling on the cap or the gown!

11 Graduation Attire Extra regalia or designations allowed to be worn are for nationally recognized high school academic honor societies.  The following are allowed: NHS, Tri-M, Mu Alpha Theta, and cords for the top 4%. Nothing else.  

12 Graduation Tickets Tickets will be distributed to seniors on May 15.
Each student will get 6 tickets each. Absolutely no money can be exchanged for tickets!

13 Extra Grad tickets April 9 and April 10
Go to room 619 before or after school to put your name on a Request List. You will be notified on April 15 if you will get any additional tickets. This is just a request; not guaranteed! Request up to 3 additional  Not on a first come first serve basis If more people request than #of extra tickets, no extras will be given

14 Frequently Asked questions
Q: How many tickets will my son/daughter receive for graduation? A: Six tickets Q: Who needs a ticket to graduation? A: All attendees regardless of age (yes, even a 1 year old). Q: When should textbooks be turned in? A: Friday, May 10th at noon Q: When will cap & gown & ticket distribution take place? A: Wednesday May 15 at the end of each graduation practice Q: What should my child do if he/she still owes library fines or senior debts? A: Seniors are advised to take care of any debts IMMEDIATELY. All debts must be paid by Friday, May 10th at noon. Please see our bookkeeper, Mrs. Infanti to pay all debts. Only debt free seniors are allowed to participate in graduation practice(s) and participate in the ceremony.

15 Important Dates April 6 - Prom
April – Last chance to pay Senior Fee April 8 – 12 – Pick up Spring Shirt in room 619 April 9-10– Opportunity to put your name on extra ticket request list. April 12 –Grad Bash

16 Important Dates May 1– Golden Herald Ceremony
May 1 – Deadline to send pics for Grad Slideshow May AP Exams May 6-9- Senior Exams May 6 – Senior Breakfast

17 Important Dates May 10 - Anchors Away! May 10 – Seniors Last Day!
May 10 - Fines and Textbooks due May 15 - Graduation Practice at BRHS May 16 -Graduation Practice 8:30 – 10:30 am at Manatee Convention Center May 16 – Graduation at 7pm

18 Parent Survey SV_3WSAWmWRFsg68zr This will help our Guidance Department gather data and post secondary admissions. A Chance to win $15 Amazon Gift Card!

19 Questions? Contact: Mrs. Dietz at ext or Ms. McNally at ext or

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