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5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019

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1 5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019
Destination Digital Africa: Preparing our Youth for the Future COUNTRY DELEGATION PRESENTATION TO FINAL PLENARY SESSION Country Name: TANZANIA _________________________ 5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019

2 Changes in Higher Education and TVET courses to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digital Economy New Courses for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digital economy: Artificial Intelligence Engineering; Data Science Engineering; Internet of Things Engineering; Cyber Security Engineering; Pharmaceutical Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; GeoICT; and Computer aided manufacturing, Mechatronics; nanotechnology and Biotechnology. Stakeholders Consultative meetings to identify needs and capacity followed by Establishing a roadmap for implementation of identified courses and resource require. Changes to be introduced: Adopt industry driven curriculum development and strengthen partnership in training Innovative and flexible teaching methods e.g. learner centred approach, simulation etc. Increase frequency of tracer studies to evaluate performance of graduates; establish strong alumni associations, establish advisory boards & self evaluation, Enhance partnership between HE and TVET and the industry in training & research. Adopt Project teaching approach remove redundant courses/modules (USA, Singapore), focus on applied researches, dynamic curriculum (China) Enhancement of teaching and learning infrastructure , retooling, of staff, innovative teaching

3 ICT Connectivity for Higher Education and TVET Systems
National Information and Communication Broadband Backbone(NICTBB) with Km and The URT - VIETTEL MoU to develop 20,000 km of Fibre Optic cable to cover to connect Government Institutions will increase HE and TVET access to content Higher Education and Research Institutions Network (HERIN) offer reliable internet connectivity services to HE Connect TVET to the NICTBB  Supply of ICT facilities for Schools, Teachers Colleges and TVET Lessons from the Forum: Digital economy and 4IR require reliable last mile connectivity

4 Using Technology to Transform Higher Education and TVET
Introduce data science, artificial intelligence, blockchain, GEOICT and Cybersecurity Establishment of E-learning platforms in all HE and TVET institutions, to improve access to the global knowledge and promote digital technologies Strategic ICT Leadership and Human Capital Development, through short and long term training Enabling environment, appreciation and rewarding of certificates Transformation will be accessed by evaluating performance of graduates through regular tracer studies, employability and feedback from the industrial Capacity building for local content development, a comprehensive collaboration framework between Government, Private Sector and Academia Knowledge-sharing, Technical assistance ( financial support, human capacity development and infrastructure development). This could be achieved through collaboration and outsourcing

5 Planning ahead Government policies and regulations: Review the 2014 Education and Training policy and other relevant sectoral policies to embrace emerging digital technologies for the 4IR; Take stock of existing legal and regulatory frameworks Develop new and relevant legal and regulatory frameworks to address emerging digital technologies Capacity building: Human capacity building at different levels (Primary, secondary, TVET and HE), Digital infrastructure , Local content development, Establish centres of Excellency to promote digital technologies, Stakeholders awareness and sensitization Preparation of a costed action plan: Situation analysis , Needs assessment for 4IR, Determine priority areas of investment for the 4IR and digital economy, Develop priority activities and set targets, Develop a budget based on activities and target (Appr. USD 400Million) Other Ministries: Communication; Finace & Planning; Public Service Management & Good Governance; Trade & Industries; Labour & Employment, Environment Knowledge sharing: Develop digital Communication Platforms, Forum, Technical appraisal meetings, and Exchange programmes Monitoring and Evaluation framework

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