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Evolution of Modern Liberalism

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1 Evolution of Modern Liberalism

2 **Remember the difference between evolution and revolution:**
Revolution – sudden dramatic change in society (example: overthrowing the gov’t) Evolution – slow, gradual change (example: how animals & humans evolve)

3 Classical liberalism slowly evolved into modern liberalism throughout the late 1800s and 1900s.
Political and social movements formed to address the unequal distribution of wealth and treatment of the lower class under laissez-faire capitalism. Eventually liberal governments began to get more involved.

4 Gov’t intervention went against classical liberalism, but was based on key liberal values like individual rights. Equal opportunity became important – policies (especially economic) should not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, nationality, etc. Labour unions grew greatly during the late 1800s and early 1900s – they used liberal values (freedom of association, freedom of speech) to protect their rights as workers.

5 Winnipeg General Strike (1919) p. 137

6 Common features of a welfare state:
As the right to vote expanded through society, gov’t had to represent the interest of more people. This led to more social programs funded by gov’t Welfare state – a society in which gov’t plays a large role in providing for the needs and common good of citizens Common features of a welfare state: Public education Health care Employment/disability insurance Old-age assistance & pensions

7 Argument FOR welfare state: - when people are healthy, safe, and have basic needs met they are better able to be productive in society & the economy Argument AGAINST welfare state: - leads to dependence on gov’t and discourages motivation and productivity

8 Other key developments in the shift to modern liberalism include:
The rise of feminism and women’s equality with men Protection of human rights (basic rights all humans are guaranteed) through documents like Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed by the United Nations Equal rights for all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, etc. Creation of NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) to promote and protect human rights PAY ATTENTION: Fig (p. 109), Fig (p. 134), Fig and 5-20 (p. 135)

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