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AP US Ch 20 Girding for War: The North and South

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1 AP US Ch 20 Girding for War: The North and South
AP US History Michael Perreault Gloucester High School

2 President Lincoln Takes the Oath
March 4, 1861, states there would be no conflict unless the South starts it How do the debt and federal territories get shared? Europe was pleased with the US as the only model of democracy in the new world, other colonies might feel less inclined to rebel and the Monroe Doctrine would be easier to break Most federal forts in the southern had relinquished their powers, Fort Sumter had not Lincoln sent provisions alerting the SC governor that the ship had only provisions and if it was prevented from delivering the North would act. SC fired on the ship After 34 hours of non-lethal bombardment fort surrenders

3 The Result Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, so many came, some were turned away Begins a blockade of the south The South saw Lincoln was not being aggressive and the confederacy was bolstered by Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and NC, the capitol was also moved to Richmond Lincoln urged the remaining border states to stay by saying the war was to preserve the union not a was to abolish slavery. Dispatched troops to western Virginia and Missouri, and declared martial law in Maryland to ensure it stayed in the union

4 Had the border states left would have doubled manufacturing in the south and given them more horses and mules

5 Advantage: South Defensive War: only needed to fight to a draw/”homefield” Better Generals Southern soldiers were far more familiar with firearms and horseback riding, many northern soldiers were factory workers, not nearly as religious, believed in restoring the union Believed in cause and that “God was on their side”


7 Disadvantage: South Smaller Navy could not beat Northern Blockade
Lack of factories and distribution left Confederate soldiers lacking in supplies as war dragged on. War of attrition: Union soldiers outnumbered Confederate 3:1 by war’s end Confederate states also had the option to secede and states were often unwilling to send “their” troops to another state’s defense Ultimately Union advantages beat Southern in winning the war

8 Dethroning King Cotton
The South had oversupplied Europe and the reliance they were expecting wasn’t there India and Egypt filled in the new gap in the market The North took land and sent food and cotton to Europe In the “northern” South Wheat and Corn became more important crops

9 Southern Attempts to Gain Allies
Late 1861 Union navy stopped British Trent removing two Confederate diplomats Britain was building vessels for the South (halted because Union suggested they might be used on therm next) Napoleon III placed Austrian Archduke Maximillian as the emperor of Mexico, but later abandoned him to suffer an execution by firing squad In almost all cases any planned European involvement was abandoned die to threat of US/Union retaliation

10 Lincoln the Pragmatist
Unconstitutional and questionable acts by Lincoln during the war Illegal blockade Sending troops into Border States Suspended Habeas Corpus to arrest anti-unionist Intimidation of voters in border states Lincoln asuaged himself with the knowledge that the measures were temporary

11 Where to get soldiers? As war continues volunteers dry up forcing the Union to pass a conscription (draft) law. Loophole for wealthy who could buy their way out for $300. Leading to draft riots in NYC South began drafting a year earlier and again, wealthy had an out, if one owner more than 20 slaves they were exempt

12 Paying for the war North passed the Morrill Tariff raising it
Washington treasury issued green-backed paper money but value sank to .39:$1 gold standard Also sold $2.6 million in bonds National Banking Act first move to a national system since 1836 Confederacy had no success and inflation reached 9,000% as opposed to 80%

13 North’s Economy Booms Emerged with a stronger economy because of building of new factories and an emergence of a millionaire class Clothing and farming machines became major industries to feed and clothe Gouging/fraud were common: cardboard for soles of shoes Only industry that decreased was export shipping

14 A Crushed Cotton Kingdom
South devastated by the war Transportation collapsed and supplies became scarce Prewar 30% of nation’s wealth post 12% and per capita income was 40% of northern counterpart

15 Women in the War Began filling in for men in factories and male dominated professions Some posed as men to serve Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix transform nursing into a respected field of service Southerner Sally Tompkins ran a richmond infirmary and would be awarded rank of Captain

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