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Expansion and Industrialization

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1 Expansion and Industrialization
AHSGE Chapter 7 Expansion and Industrialization The Railroads Promontory Point, Utah – town where the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met completing the transcontinental railroad. How important were the railroads for expansion in the U.S.? Railroads became the chief means of national transportation during the second half of the 19th century.

2 Conflicts with Native Americans
Reservations – see previous notes What was the significance of the buffalo to the Native Americans? Buffalos were the main source of food for Native Americans. White settlers killed many buffalo for their hides and left the meat to rot taking away the livelihood of the Native Americans.

3 Important Indian Battles and Congressional Action
Battle of the Little Bighorn – Sioux warriors surrounded U.S. Army General George Custer and killed every soldier under his command. Dawes Act (General Allotment Act) – In an attempt to assimilate Native Americans into the mainstream of society, Congress dissolved reservations and gave each Native American family 160 acres to farm. Any excess land had to be sold to the government at low prices plunging the Native Americans deeper into poverty.

4 Wounded Knee Wovoka – Sioux prophet who developed a religious ritual called the Ghost Dance (Sioux believed this dance would bring back the buffalo and return the Native American tribes to their land.) This frightened white settlers. Sitting Bull – Sioux leader whom the U.S. Army believed was using the Ghost Dance to start a Native American uprising.

5 Wounded Knee – After trying to arrest Sitting Bull a fight broke out and he was killed by the U.S. Army. They then pursued the Sioux men, women and children to their camp at Wounded Knee Creek. The Sioux were massacred by the U.S. army (around 350 killed). This marked the end of U.S. Army battles with Native Americans.

6 Important Development used in Continental Expansion
The Bessemer Process – process by which steel could be made faster and more efficiently. Bessemer, Alabama (important steel center) is named after man who invented process. Revolver – type of pistol which had a cylinder containing several chambers allowing for more rapid firing. Became a standard for personal protection in the West.

7 Steel Plow – Invented by John Deere
Steel Plow – Invented by John Deere. The plow was strong enough to cut thorough the though prairie sod of the Midwest and the Plains. Windmill – Farmers in the Plains used the wind’s power to pump water (which was 100 feet underground) to the surface.

8 Barbed Wire – Wire with barbed points that gave farmers a cheap and efficient way to fence in their land. Railroad – Provided the easiest way to move people and products to the major cities. Towns developed along the railroads which lead to the settlement of the west.

9 Farming in the 1870s and 1880s Grange – Cooperative formed by local farmers to protect their interests from industries cutting into their farming revenues (profits). Populists Party – formed to address the concerns of farmers and other reformers.

10 Alabama Agriculture and Industry
Boll Weevil – insect that destroyed the cotton crops of Alabama. Forced farmers to diversify their crops. Birmingham, Alabama – known for steel making. Mobile, Alabama – known for its important shipping center for industry. Many investors came to Alabama and started large textile industries due to the states’ ready supply of cotton.

11 Important Industrial Inventions
Industrial Revolution – During the 1880s the U.S. used its natural resources and spirit of invention to begin the process of industrialization. Transatlantic Cable – first telegraph cable beneath the Atlantic Ocean. It allowed the U.S. to hear of developments in Europe immediately through telegraph messages. Alexander Graham Bell – first telephone transmission.

12 Move to the Cities Many people left their farms and moved
to the city for higher wages as the industrialization continued in the U.S. Waves of immigrants from Europe also came in search of work. A population explosion created many opportunities and caused many problems in the cities. Henry Ford – In 1913, the first moving automobile assembly line was introduced improving the way items were made in America.

13 Negative Aspects of Urbanization
Monopoly – only one supplier for a particular industry. Robber Barons – the name for some 19th century capitalists because they became wealthy by exploitation and ruthlessness. John D. Rockefeller – owned the Standard Oil Company.

14 Andrew Carnegie – owned a steel company that controlled the iron and coal mines and owned railroads and steam ships. Gospel of Wealth – belief by Andrew Carnegie that the wealthy had a responsibility to use it for the betterment of the poor. Cornelius Vanderbilt – owned the Central Railroad. Social Darwinism – Only the strongest business will survive.

15 Labor Unions Labor Unions – organizations of workers who put pressure on industries to improve working conditions. Strike – the refusal to work until certain conditions are met. American Federation of Labor (AFL) – worked to organize strikes in entire industries (car manufacturing).

16 Immigrants Racism – prejudice. Nativism – favoring one’s nation
or region. 1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act – prohibited Chinese from immigrating to the U.S.

17 1921 – The Emergency Quota Act – Law limiting the number of legal immigrants to 3% of the total population of each nationality from Southern and Eastern Europe. 1924 – National Origins Act of 1924 – Changed quota of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe to 2% and prohibited all immigration from Asia.

18 The Progressive Movement
Progressivism – developed in response to the growing corruption in big business. It championed the causes of whoever was being oppressed by society. Muckrakers – journalists who wrote stories about the abuses of big business on workers and consumers.

19 The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – exposed the miserable working conditions and dangerous food quality in meat processing plants in Chicago. The History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida Tarbell – exposed the ruthless practices of the Standard Oil Company it its quest to gain a monopoly in the oil company. Horace Mann – pushed for the public education of men and women in the early 19th century.


21 Important Amendments to the Constitution
The Progressive Movement gained a lot of momentum in the early 1900s and lead to the passage of new amendments. 16th – Congress now had the power to collect taxes on business and individuals.

22 17th – The election of senators by states instead of the state legislatures.
18th – Prohibited the making, selling or transporting of alcoholic beverages. 19th – Gave women the right to vote.

23 President Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt was a progressive president who initiated several reforms while in office. National Parks System – protected huge amounts of land from development. Sherman Antitrust Act – Act passed by Congress that declared the formation of trusts in order to monopolize business was illegal.

24 Northern Securities Trust – a group of smaller railroad companies formed to set prices and eliminated smaller competitors. Prosecuted by Roosevelt for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. Square Deal – a verbal contract with the American people to maintain equality for individuals and for businesses. Food and Drug Act – passed after Roosevelt read The Jungle. Protected the health of U.S. consumers


26 Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson – established a reform program called
New Freedom. His goal was to ensure that there was competition in the marketplace. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – A commission that had the power to investigate companies for unfair business practices.

27 Clayton Antitrust Act - Act passed by Congress that banned tying agreements, which required retailers who bought from one company to stop selling a competitor’s products. This act made sure that businesses could not use antitrust laws to break up labor unions.

28 Race Relations After Reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan – increased their terrorizing of blacks. Lynchings were commonplace and schools were burned. Because of this many blacks left the South and moved to the North in what is known as the Black Exodus. Booker T. Washington – founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. He believed in the separation of races.

29 Tuskegee Institute – school which provided training in the industrial and agricultural fields. Became an important center for technical education in the South George Washington Carver – student at Tuskegee Institute. He became famous for his agricultural experimentation with peanuts, soybeans and cottons. His contributions enabled farmers in the South to grow different kinds of crops for profit besides cotton.

30 W. E. B. Dubois – First black PH. D. graduate from Harvard University
W.E.B. Dubois – First black PH.D. graduate from Harvard University. He disagreed with Booker T. Washington’s philosophy. He believed blacks should pursue white collar jobs not settle low paying jobs. Niagara Movements – organized by W.E.B. Dubois. Meeting of black intellectuals that outlined an agenda for black progress in the United States.

31 NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) – organization of black and white intellectuals who adopted the goals of the Niagara movement as their own. Powerful organization that helped change the minds of many people about race relations. Plessy v Ferguson – Supreme Court decision that stated segregation (separation of races) was legal as long as facilities and services were equal. (Separate but equal).

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