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Presentation on theme: "LOGO."— Presentation transcript:


2 Intro

3 Overview

4 Team

5 Problem / Opportunity Explain the pain you solve or opportunity you exploit

6 Solution Explain the pain you solve or opportunity you exploit

7 Market Size Explain the pain you solve or opportunity you exploit

8 Unfair Advantages What makes you special? Why will you win? What are your unfair advantages? Why is the field tilted in your direction? It can be technology, relationships, founders. “We’re smart, hardworking, and really believe” doesn’t cut it. Everybody says that. Hightly unlikely that it’s patents too.

9 Demo

10 Sales and Marketing How will you introduce your product or service? How will you achieve critical mass? Sorry but “we’ll go viral” isn’t a strategy. Neither is “word-of-mouth.” Tactics, tactics, tactics--not wishful thinking

11 Business Model (Pricing) (Value of each customer)
(Customer acquisition cost) How will you make money? Don’t show multiple revenue streams and don’t try to make the point that you’re inventing a new way to make money. Take your best shot and run with it. The most important thing to explain is the assumptions in your business model and how they determined the financial projections in the previous slide.

12 Competition Assume that the audience knows as much, and maybe more, about the segment as you do. If you say “we have no competition,” it usually means that you’re either (a) clueless or (b) addressing a market that doesn’t exist. The reason why you want to show what you can’t do is to build your crediblity. If you’ll admit how your competition is better than you, people are more likely to believe you when you discuss how you’re better than your competition.

13 Status and Milestones Where are you now?
What are the next 2-3 big milestones?

14 Forecast Be conservative—put up numbers that you are 90% confident that you can meet. But don’t say that you’re being conservative because you’re not—you’re pulling numbers out of the air and you have no idea what will happen.

15 Financing Be conservative—put up numbers that you are 90% confident that you can meet. But don’t say that you’re being conservative because you’re not—you’re pulling numbers out of the air and you have no idea what will happen.

16 Conclusion Be conservative—put up numbers that you are 90% confident that you can meet. But don’t say that you’re being conservative because you’re not—you’re pulling numbers out of the air and you have no idea what will happen.

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