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Increase Office Production

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1 Increase Office Production
Leveraging your agents: You can affect your agents/office production Broker one with 40 agents 15 trans a month Broker two 40 agents 30 closings a month. What is the difference. Steps taken must be made into a system Conduct productivity events on regular schedule Reminders in CRM and schedule like clockwork

2 Productivity Events – Vendor Services
Have vendors at meetings selling products in person or virtual Zillow,, Trulia, Billboard and bus bench vendors Social Media Experts. Selling their Services Lead generation services Print like The Real Estate Book / Homes and Land Real Estate Newspapers Local Branding opportunities

3 Productivity Events – Office Participation
Open house blitz and AAD blitz Farming parties FSBO and expired pizza nights Contests Networking events as a group with a strategy Group mailing parties Endorsement parties, Web site building, online lead source group sessions Shared ads, purchase pages and multi media packages. Make it easy for agents to participate regardless of budget. Build to multiple pages by sharing success stories.

4 Productivity Events – Office Participation
Pick a prospecting section from the Career Acceleration Manual as a subject. Tenant will becoming the largest buyer group in the nation. Start prospecting teams. Bring in Credit repair company to build data base of future clients.

5 Productivity Events – Individual Agent
Build CRM with every agent names all on drips. Commitment to do open houses Commitment to advertise Commitment to build AAD Year end one on one meeting to build business plan . Commit to prospect every day,

6 “A leader is someone who can get people to do things they would not do without that persons leadership”

7 Make your Brand a Monster
You need to leverage your brand It does not happen by chance Real estate offers - amazing opportunities to build a brand at low cost Leveraging through your agents makes the difference on your brand impressions How can you increase you impressions by 1000% in your market place

8 Through your Agents/Leadership
Car magnets, Name badges, (start up package) Billboard contest/campaign Office showcase displaying material Inventory supplies, pens, pads, golf balls, umbrella, hats Car window decals and logo stickers

9 Through Social Media – Massive Reach
Master all social media sources and train your agents. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn Post brand photos have them shared and liked Postings of new agents and sales Have your agents invest in social marketing Reach all your agents and their social networks with your brand consistently


11 We Get By Giving 4 National Events per year Christmas Toy Drive
Veterans Memorial Day Yard sale spring You decide this one and dates for all four

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