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An unusual case of Menorrhagia in a young girl
Dr.Manoj Prakash.J JR-II Dept of Medicine
HISTORY A 16 Yrs old female patient came to casulty
c/o massive Per vaginal bleeding since 15 days. She also complained of giddiness and breathlessness on exertion since 3 yrs She gave h/o-recurrent episodes of menorrhagia for the past 3 yrs
PAST HISTORY She was diagnosed as ITP in 2007 when she presented with epistaxis She attained menarche in 2015 , cycles were irregular With menorrhagia for 10–13 days during each cycle Received –PCV transfusions , inj methylprednisolone and Tab Danazol and Tab Azathioprine and Vincristine (but no improvement ) Adv - splenectomy and inj rituximab in 2016 (not done).
GENERAL EXAMINATION Afebrile, Pulse – 110/min BP /60 mmHg RR - 22/min SpO % on room air PALLOR + + + SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION P/A :Soft spleen palpable -1.5 cms below the left costal margin , non- tender Hepatomegaly was present .extending 2.5 cms below costal margin Other systems examination - normal
LAB PARAMETERS - HB – 5.4g% TLC-6000 (39/57/2/2)
Platelet counts – 9800/cumm MCV-70.2 Retic count-1.2% PBS – Microcytic , hypochromic RBCs with Target cells and Tear drop cells Direct Coombs Test & Indirect Coombs Test - Negative INR – 1.21 ; APTT – 24.9 LFTS/RFT/S.E/URINE r/m-WNL Dengue/HIV/HBsAg-negative
In view of history , general and systemic examination with basic investigations, our diagnosis was – CHRONIC IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA WITH MICROCYTIC ANEMIA DUE TO BLOOD LOSS
Treatment PCV transfusion , SDP and RDP transfusions
Tab. Prednisolone 40 mg od OBGY Ref – Tab Norethinsteron 5mg started Inspite of the transfusions and steroids her platelet count continued to stay less than 10000/ And bleeding PV continued Further investigations were done
ANA – Negative TFT – WNL Anti HCV – Positive (by ELISA) HCV Genotype (NIV) – Genotype “1 A” HCV RNA Viral Load - > Repeat platlet counts <20000/
The patient was started on
Tab. Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir (400/90) od for 12 weeks Tab. Prednisolone 40 mg od and then tapered off Tab. Norethinsterone 5mg od F/U with HCV Viral Load and complete blood count was advised after 12 weeks.
After 12 weeks- Hb-9.2mg/dl Platelet counts – 98000/cumm HCV RNA was not detected by RT-PCR The patient has been weaned off from steroids and has regular periods now
It is an acquired disorder in which there is immune-mediated destruction of platelets and possibly inhibition of platelet release from the megakaryocyte. In children - it is usually an acute disease, most commonly following an infection, and with a self-limited course. In adults - it is a more of a chronic disease. It is termed secondary if it is associated with an underlying disorder like - autoimmune disorders (particularly SLE), and infections such as HIV and hepatitis C, are common causes.
Hepatitis C association with ITP is quiet prevalent (1,5)
According to reviewers it is not yet clear whether there is a ‘cause-effect’ relationship(2,3,6,7) However , in some cases Researchers achieved a good control of thrombocytopenia , after treatment of HCV Hence we decided to treat our patient for HCV And so far the platelet count has remained in the range of 90,000 to 1 lac . And patient has not had menorrhagia
TAKE HOME MESSAGE In every case of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, do look for other causes of Immune mediated Thrombocytopenia , especially Hepatitis C Virus infection.
REFERENCES 1)Paul Pockros,Andrea Duchini,Robert Macmillan,Lisa Nyberg “Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection”American Journal Of Gastroenterology 97, (2002) 2) ,1 and 1Immunological HCV-Associated Thrombocytopenia: Short ReviewClinical and Developmental Immunology Volume 2012, Article ID 378653, 5 pages 3)Kenneth D. Flora, MD reviewing Pockros PJ et al.ITP in Patients with HCV.NEJM Journal Watch October 4)Subhash verma* shiva kumar,asish garg*,**pankaj malhotra “Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Patients with Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Northern India j clin exp hepatol Sep; 1(2): 68–72. 5)LeMin Lee, MaxE Johansen, Wenche Jy, Lawrence L Horstman and Yeon-Soong Ahn.Second Generation Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents Eradicate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) but Exacerbate Thrombocytopenia in a Patient with HCV-Associated Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP): Case Report Blood 2014 124:5022; 6)Yasser M Fouad Chronic hepatitis C-associated thrombocytopenia: aetiology and management Quarterly Reviews Tropical Gastroenterology
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