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Spring Fling At JiDu De ShenTi.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Fling At JiDu De ShenTi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Fling At JiDu De ShenTi

2 President’s Day Feb. 12 Cubby Question? What do Shih Tzu have to do with President’s Day? Answer: Nothing at all !!

3 Feb. 12th, President’s Day Lu-E Question: Why hasn’t a President ever owned a Shih Tzu? Answer: A Shih Tzu expects too much from its owner.

4 Mardi Gras Party Dogs Feb. 28, 2006 Panda Tzu Stormy

5 Happy St. Patrick’s Day And granddaughter Sophia’s birthday March 17th

6 Shamrocks and Shih Tzu Rhett Brandy Alexandria

7 Everything’s coming up, Even Shih Tzu
Spring Begins March 27th Everything’s coming up, Even Shih Tzu Grace Larkspur Godiva Azure

8 Can’t wait to dig them up!!!
Lil-E Winston Tiki

9 April 1, Fool’s Day Dilly

10 Birthdays Grandson Steven, 4/6/88
Pam, 4/6/44 (choosing a pick of litter) with pet Shih Tzu Akira born 4/6/2001

11 Easter Sunday April 23rd Felipe

12 H A P Y E A S T R Panda Tiki

13 Baskets of Easter Joy to You!!

14 May pole pups Gher-E’s pups

15 Cinco de Mayo May 5th Let’s Barbeque! el Ping Pong

16 Moms’ Day May 14th S I Y’ L I T E R

17 More Moms Trinket Blue Velvet Gher-E Blue Velvet r-E

18 Moms To Be Tiki Stormy Jazzy Lil-E

19 Memorial Day, May 29th Cubby

20 Flash Flair

21 Frogs Among the Flowers
Dov-e Dancer Merry

22 That’s All Folks Willie

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