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Classical Conditioning

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1 Classical Conditioning

2 What is classical conditioning?
A form of learning by association Associating a new stimulus with another stimulus Example: The Flush

3 How do you know learning has occurred?
Behavior Behaviorism – school of psychology that links behavior to learning John Watson Today we look at Cognition (mental processes) as evidence of learning

4 Components of Classical Conditioning
UCS – Unconditioned Stimulus UCR – Unconditioned Response Neutral Stimulus – Same as CS CS – Conditioned Stimulus CR – Conditioned Response (same as UCR) Reflexive Learned

5 Example: The Flush UCS – Hot Water UCR – Jumping
Neutral Stimulus – Flush!!! CS – Flush!!! CR - Jumping

6 3 Processes Of Learning Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous Recovery

7 Acquisition Establishes a new learned response
Neutral Stimulus + UCS (Repeatedly) Trial Example: Whistle in Practice

8 Extinction Reversal of learning CS losses its power to trigger CR
Repeatedly presenting of the CS CR disappears completely Example: The Prank

9 Spontaneous Recovery Return of a CR after a resting period
Weaker than original More easily extinguished

10 Ivan Pavlov What did Pavlov win a Nobel Prize for?
- Read and Answer What did Pavlov win a Nobel Prize for? What type of Psychology did he study? Explain his experiment with dogs. In his dog experiment, what was the UCS – UCR – Neutral Stimulus – CS – CR – Briefly describe how the following occurred in this experiment: - Acquisition - Extinction - Spontaneous Recovery

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