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How to detect scientific lies

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Presentation on theme: "How to detect scientific lies"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to detect scientific lies

2 DATA The Matanuska Valley Glacier has receded several miles in the last 30 years It is a hot year globally The CO2 is the atmosphere is higher than normal Individual pieces of observable items that seem to raise questions

3 INFORMATION Data when processed with patterns, gives us information
All the glaciers in the last 30 years have receded The global temperature have risen .6 degrees in the last 120 years Elevated CO2 in the atmosphere happens at the same time as increased temps Data when processed with patterns, gives us information

4 KNOWLEDGE When measured with statistical analysis away from NORMAL
All the glaciers in the last 30 years have receded more than normal The global temperature has risen .6 degrees in the last 120 years, more than normal Elevated CO2 in the atmosphere is more than normal When measured with statistical analysis away from NORMAL

5 INTELLIGENCE All the glaciers in the last 30 years have receded more than normal, because of the CO2 that has raised the temps more than normal and caused the .6 degree increase in the last 120 years When processed against a statistical analysis of cause and effect

6 WISDOM When balanced with the effects on the world = wisdom
Since we are certain that the statistical analysis shows that the glaciers and the temperatures are above norms, we know that it is caused by the CO2, we need to solve the CO2 problem without hurting people When balanced with the effects on the world = wisdom

7 THIS IS WHAT WE ARE TOLD The glaciers are melting, the temperatures are rising all over the world Elevated CO2 in the atmosphere is causing it We need to shut down all CO2 stuff…coal plants, car emissions, all industry This is manipulation, and a panic inducing presentation

8 THIS IS WHAT IS MISSING What is the normal State without the CO2? Where is the statistical analysis of the information to measure the differences from normal? Where is the connection of cause and effect analysis and statically summary? Where is the wisdom? We shut down our industry, Give it the Chinese; they get rich and pollute more than we ever did, and then we borrow money for welfare and unemployment here.

There is no global acceleration of the normal warming patterns click here for stat summary There is no CO2 cause to effect of heating, NASA says CO2 actually cools the planet Humans are not causing any fake “acceleration of temperatures” and the CO2 is not causing “global warming” Science is always literature – scientists need to process the many steps they have intentionally overlooked and omitted

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