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Document Based Question

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1 Document Based Question
50 minutes: AP Exam

2 What is it? Essay based on your analysis of documents
No prior knowledge needed 4-10 documents You need to base your essay from the info you obtain from the documents

3 DBQ= Court Case You are a lawyer
You need to build a case/argument= essay You need to find evidence that supports your case= docs When you present to court you need to organize your thoughts and evidence: Group one: hard evidence- one group Group two: witness testimony

4 DBQ= you as a lawyer Grouping docs is how you will organize your essay
Groups will be your body paragraphs Example: If there are 3 documents on how government is run, and 3 on topics such as women status, religion and social class- how will your group?

5 HOW YOU ARE GRADED Need to use every document in your essay
Need an analytical thesis that answers the prompt Support your essay with evidence (from docs) Group the docs in two or 3 ways (2 or 3 paragraphs) Analyze point of view in atleast 3 docs Identify two additional document or sources

6 Intro paragraph Background Statement- introduced topic
Thesis: Answers the question… Expanded DBQ thesis: Include a sentence that talks about your groupings of documents

7 Evidence: Your basing your essay off the analysis of the docs
DO NOT use quotes- if you need to quote you can use “words” You need to reference the quote. Ex: Han’s government revered technology for its contribution to orderly society particularily dikes, canals and irrigation networks (Doc 5). This technology was central to government’s ability to maintain…


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