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KS5 Science BTEC Applied Science

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1 KS5 Science BTEC Applied Science
Curriculum Map KS5 Science BTEC Applied Science

2 Learners will study three mandatory units:
Statement of intent Key Stage: 5 Subject: BTEC Applied Science Academic Year: BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science is intended as an Applied General qualification for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning and who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment, possibly in the applied science sector. The qualification aims to give a coherent introduction to study of the applied science sector. Learners will study three mandatory units: Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques Unit 3: Science Investigation Skills. Learners choose one optional unit which has been designed to support choices in progression to applied science courses in higher education. Optional units include: Unit 10: Biological Molecules and Metabolic Pathways The curriculum is designed so that learners develop the transferable and higher order skills which are valued by higher education providers and employers. Learners will develop skills including how to plan investigations, collecting, analysing, and presenting data and communicating results which support some of the skills learners need to progress to higher education, employment, self-employment or training. Key aspects to include in your statement of intent: What is at the heart of your subject? What is it about? What do you want your students to know and be able to do by the end of the Key Stage in this subject? Why is this important? What are the topics that are fundamental for your students to know? Why are they so important? What do you expect your students to know and be able to do by the end of the Key Stage? How is your curriculum designed to build towards and prepare students for the transition to GCSE and A-Level?

3 Subject: Applied Science Academic Year: 2019-20
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 5 Subject: Applied Science Academic Year: Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 12 Unit 1 : Principles and Applications of Science 1 Unit 2 –Practical Scientific Procedures and techniques Unit 3 : Science investigation skills Learning aims A, B, & C A1 Periodicity and properties of elements A2 Production and uses of substances in relation to properties B1 Cell Structure and function C1 Working with waves Learning aims B, & C B2 Cell specialization B3 Tissue structure and function C2 Waves in communication C3 Use of electromagnetic waves in communication Learning aim A & B A – Undertake titration and colorimetry to determine the concentration of solutions B – Undertake calorimetry to study cooling curves Learning aim C & D C- Undertake chromatographic techniques to identify components in mixtures D – Review personal development for scientific skills for laboratory work Exam period undertaking resits Starting work on Unit 3 for Year 13 Exam period undertaking resits a Assessment Y11 into Y12 summer bridging work In class teacher assessments; formative and summative assessments; feedback; regular exam practice In class teacher assessments; formative and summative assessments; regular exam practice EXTERNAL EXAM FOR UNIT 1 IN JANUARY 2020 In class teacher assessments; formative and summative assessments; feedback; regular practical skills practice INTERNALLY ASSESSED ASSIGMENTS FOR UNIT 2 EXAM PERIOD UNDERTAKING RESITS

4 Subject: Applied Science Academic Year: 2019-20
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 5 Subject: Applied Science Academic Year: Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 13 Unit 3 : Science investigation skills Unit 10 (optional unit) –Biological molecules and metabolic pathways Learning aim A, B, C, & D A – Planning a scientific investigation (A1-A5) B – Data collection, processing and analysis/interpretation (B1-B2) C – Drawing conclusions and evaluation (C1-C2) D – Enzymes in action (D1-D3) Learning aim E, F, G & H E – Diffusion of molecules (E1-E2) F – Plants and their environment (F1-F3) G – Energy content of fuels (G1-G3) H – Electrical circuits (H1-H3) Learning aim A Understand the structure and function of biological molecules and their importance in maintaining biochemical processes Learning aim B & C B – Explore the effect of activity of respiration in humans and factors that can affect respiratory pathways C – Explore the factors that can affect the pathways and the rate of photsynthesis Exam period undertaking resits Assessment Y12 into Y13 summer bridging work In class teacher assessments; formative and summative assessments; feedback; regular practical skills practice; regular exam practice EXTERNAL EXAM FOR UNIT 13 IN JANUARY 2021 In class teacher assessments; formative and summative assessments; feedback; regular practical skills practice INTERNALLY ASSESSED ASSIGMENTS FOR UNIT 10 EXAM PERIOD UNDERTAKING RESITS

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