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Secretaria Municipal da Saúde Curitiba – Paraná - Brazil

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Presentation on theme: "Secretaria Municipal da Saúde Curitiba – Paraná - Brazil"— Presentation transcript:

1 Secretaria Municipal da Saúde Curitiba – Paraná - Brazil
Mãe Curitibana’s Program Secretaria Municipal da Saúde Curitiba – Paraná - Brazil

2 Curitiba – Parana in the south of Brazil
population 1.6 million 104 health units 13 maternity hospitals –SUS (NHS)

3 In Curitiba 29 thousand live births per year of resident women
before the Program 30% of the pregnant women could not find a hospital bed when in labour

4 Different needs what did the pregnant women want?
a safe labor good quality of care what did the health authorities want? to reduce the vertical transmission of HIV, syphilis and toxoplasmosis

5 Antenatal Care a new ANC technical protocol a communication sub -project

6 Antenatal Care the ANC protocol included:
guaranty of maternity ward referral at least 6 medical consultations

7 Antenatal Care the ANC protocol included:
routine testing and treatment for HIV, toxoplasmosis and syphilis

8 Antenatal Care home visits with the nurse staff or the community health agents

9 Antenatal Care visit to the maternity ward in the 6° ou 7° month

10 Antenatal Care the communication sub-project included the design of:
a logo an educational booklet a handbag

11 Antenatal Care the communication sub-project included:
technical training of the health professionals

12 Antenatal Care organization of 2–4 educational workshops

13 increase in the number of pregnant women attending the PHC units
Results – 1999 and 2000 increase in the number of pregnant women attending the PHC units 30% em 1999 97% em 2000

14 Results – 1999 and 2000 decrease in maternal mortality

15 Results – 1999 and 2000 reduction of the vertical transmission of syphilis and toxoplasmosis

16 Results– 1999 to 2001 detection of HIV in pregnancy
88% tested (41679 exams) 387 HIV+ 0.93%

17 Results– 1999 and 2000 reduction of mother to child HIV transmission
1999 – 5.9% 2000 – 5.2%

18 Results increased satisfaction – pregnant women and health professionals 95% of the women enrolled were satisfied with the program

19 Lessons learned integration with a good ANC program is essential to the success of a PMTCT of HIV/Aids

20 Lessons learned the Primary Health Care Units / professionals are able to deal with the problem of HIV in their community

21 Mãe Curitibana the future is built in the present

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