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Session 5 It is my great pleasure to share Discovering the Divine Principle, the Fall, part 2of2. This content is a new revelation from God that was given.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 5 It is my great pleasure to share Discovering the Divine Principle, the Fall, part 2of2. This content is a new revelation from God that was given."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 5 It is my great pleasure to share Discovering the Divine Principle, the Fall, part 2of2. This content is a new revelation from God that was given to the Rev Sun Myung Moon. Session 5.

2 2 We have introduced the analogy of the tree as a symbol of humanity. If the first man and woman had kept God’s Commandment,

3 3 they would have reached maturity as God’s true son and daughter.

4 4 Then God would have blessed them in marriage. Their family would have been a healthy seed that would have brought forth a beautiful tree, a civilization of freedom, peace and happiness,

5 5 a culture of heart as one family under God.

6 6 The primary result of the fall was the corruption of love itself. The corruption of the seed brought forth corrupt civilizations

7 7 and it changed our lineage. The fallen archangel came to own the human family. This is why Jesus tells us that the Devil is our father and calls him, in John 8:44 the owner or ruler of this world. (John 8:44, 12:31)

8 8 The archangel could claim Adam’s descendants because they were born out of his selfish love and not God’s love. That’s why the book of Job calls Satan “the accuser.” This is the tree that you and I are connected to. This is the reality of original sin.

9 9 What has been the result? One result, which up until now most religions have not emphasized, is the pain this has brought to God’s heart.

10 10 God is the Father, the Mother, the Parent of love. Because God’s love is the greatest, His suffering is also the greatest. In Genesis 6:6 we learn that God “repented that He had made men and women…” God had to watch as His children were seduced and God has watched the history of sin ever since.

11 11 What is sin? We define sin as anything that separates us from God and connects us with Satan. Anything then that prevents us from reaching our potential. Almost all sin falls into one of four categories.

12 12 First there is original sin. Everyone has the same original sin. Your station in life makes no difference. Because we are born into a family that was started by the archangel’s love, he stands between us and God.

13 13 Next there is collective sin. This is the sin that is committed by a group. Collective sin affects each of us because of our unavoidable participation in society. When a society moves away from God, we all bear partial responsibility.

14 14 Then there are sins that affect a particular lineage; called inherited sin. Sin impacts our children and our future generations. Just as some diseases can be inherited, wicked deeds impact our descendants.

15 15 Finally there is personal sin, the selfish things we do as individuals. We may take responsibility for our personal misdeeds as a start, but that by itself will not remove the gap that separates us from God.

16 16 But all sin starts with the same root. No matter how much we do, becoming a better person, correcting the sins of our parents and even of our nation, if we don’t cut the root of sin, the diseased tree is going to remain.

17 17 This is why we need a Messiah, who can sever our ties to the archangel’s poisonous love and re-connect us to God.

18 18 God created us with an original nature but we have also inherited from the Fall something we call fallen nature.

19 19 Due to the fall, our original nature is rather weak; its potential has never been realized. Our fallen nature is much stronger.

20 20 Our original nature struggles to live with integrity but our fallen nature constantly nudges us in the other direction. If you want to find God, you will have to reverse your fallen nature. To do that you need first to be able to recognize what fallen nature is. There are basically four aspects.

21 21 The first is the inability to see things from God’s point of view. We tend to see everything from our own self-centered viewpoint. So we experience jealousy and envy. We are like students in a classroom. The teacher wants everyone to do well, but we don’t. When someone surpasses us, we feel animosity. Then if that person fails, we feel happy. We don’t see things from the teacher’s viewpoint.

22 22 The second aspect of fallen nature is about taking the wrong position. The archangel was a servant and teacher to Adam and Eve, but his actions betrayed them, and that threw creation out of joint. We see this in human society. For example when someone squanders an inheritance, or a parent abandons their family, a husband abandons his wife, or a leader uses power for personal benefit.

23 23 The third aspect of fallen nature is rebelliousness. Adam and Eve did not keep the proper order. Probably the most common experience of this fallen nature is when your body dominates your mind. We can’t easily control our habits. We are seduced by physical comforts. And we easily become addicted to substances.

24 24 The fourth aspect of fallen nature is our desire and tendency to multiply evil. When we do something wrong, we want others to join in with us. We excuse ourselves and self-justify, because “everybody is doing it.” In the garden of Eden, after the archangel seduced Eve, she felt compelled to seduce Adam.

25 25 When God asked what was wrong everything got multiplied. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the archangel. Fallen nature evades responsibility, denies shortcomings and claims all is well when really it isn’t

26 26 Instead of taking responsibility, we lie about it. We cover up in order to look good. We lose any sense of self-worth. The first step in removing our fallen nature is to admit that we have sin. If we are honest and take responsibility for our problems, we can begin the journey back to God.

27 27 Now we come to a tough question: Why did God create a world in which the fall was even possible? Why not create a world that automatically becomes good? The answer lies in the nature of love. God created the world through laws and principles, but

28 28 His goal was to govern by love, not by the law. Law and Principle guide us, like tracks guide a train. But without authentic love, it means nothing.

29 29 Therefore, God designed love to be stronger than law and Principle. But this meant that misdirected love would have the power to push us off the tracks. For this reason God gave His Commandment. If they had not eaten the “fruit”, partaken in sexual love, the power of their love would have stayed on track. When they reached maturity, Adam and Eve would have been blessed and their romantic love would have blossomed.

30 30 People often ask me, Why did God not intervene? Why didn’t He stop what was happening when He saw it was going wrong?

31 31 In order for God to experience ultimate joy, the partner of God’s love must have the capacity to reflect God’s love completely. This is why God created us in His image.

32 32 This means that man and woman cannot be just another creation. God wanted us to have the same capacity of love that He (and She) has. In order to make this possible, God gave us freedom and responsibility. He made it so that we participate in His work of creation as co-creators. co- creators

33 33 What lessons can we learn?

34 misuse of sexual love an actual event, 34 the fall is not a myth.
We should now understand that the fall is not a myth. Although it appears in the Bible in symbolic terms, it was an actual event, a misuse of sexual love, an event that separated us from God’s love and God’s truth.

35 35 We recognize that we continue to be affected by the fall. We can understand why humanity struggles so much with selfishness, why we cannot find true love, and why it is so hard to manage our contradictory desires. We learned that love can actually lead us away from God. And we learned that the Principle is the tool to guide our love toward God.

36 36 The good news is that God would not reveal the truth of original sin if He did not also plan to reveal the solution. We were born into sin because the first parents were false parents. The time is coming that God will raise up a man and woman who can restore the position of parents, and become what we call True Parents.

37 37 In the following sessions we will talk about how God has been working for this through history and in the life of Jesus, which is our next topic.

38 The truth we have just heard brings us a whole new level of understanding of Jesus’ life and mission. I look forward to sharing this with you.

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