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Bone Development Bone Remodeling Bone Homeostasis Skeletal

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Presentation on theme: "Bone Development Bone Remodeling Bone Homeostasis Skeletal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bone Development Bone Remodeling Bone Homeostasis Skeletal Microanatomy Surprise Me! 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 The process of bone formation

3 What is osteogenesis or ossificaton

4 Bone deposit is accomplished by

5 What are osteoblasts

6 A type of bone development in which a cartilage “model” must be replaced by bone

7 What is endochondral ossification

8 Hormones affecting bone development.

9 What are growth hormone, thyroid hormone and sex hormones

10 Growth in diameter (thickness) of long bones

11 What is appositional growth

12 The breakdown of bone is accomplished by

13 What are osteoclasts

14 DOUBLE JEOPARDY Two regulators of bone remodeling

15 What is the hormone feedback loop (calcitonin and PTH) and responses to mechanical forces (Wolff’s Law)

16 Classification of a fracture based on the orientation of the break

17 What is linear or transverse

18 Mineralization of bone generally refers to

19 Calcification, in which calcium crystals are packed together forming the hard compact bone

20 Bone remodeling occurs here

21 Where is the periosteal and endosteal surfaces

22 Bone resorption and bone deposit together are referred to as

23 What is bone remodeling

24 This disorder literally means “soft bones”

25 What is osteomalacia

26 This disorder can cause bowing of the legs in young children

27 What is rickets

28 Osteoporosis can be treated with hormone replacement therapy because

29 What is estrogen promotes bone growth

30 Smoking is a risk factor for osteoporosis because.

31 What is smoking decreases estrogen levels

32 The long axis of a bone

33 What is the diaphysis

34 DOUBLE JEOPARDY The membrane that covers compact bone

35 What is the periostem

36 The structural unit of compact bone

37 What is the osteon

38 The concentric circles that make up an osteon

39 What are lamella

40 The channels that connect one lacunae to another

41 What are canaliculi

42 Bone cells

43 What are osteocytes

44 Realignment of bones in which the physician coaxes the bones into place

45 What is closed reduction

46 Acids secreted in resorption bays act to

47 What is convert calcium crystals into soluble calcium that can diffuse into the blood

48 A disorder in which bone resorption outpaces bone deposit leading to weak and brittle bones

49 What is osteoporosis

50 Calcification occurs at this zone of the epiphyseal plate.

51 What is the osteogenic zone

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