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Year 6 London Residential 22nd – 24th May 2019

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1 Year 6 London Residential 22nd – 24th May 2019
Adults who are travelling with the children: myself, Mrs Foote, Miss Dunn, Mr Hoyles, Mrs Mills, Miss Neville and Mr Young. Father Jean-Patrice will be joining us on Wednesday and Friday. We travel with Berrys coaches. We book a coach for ourselves, the coach and driver stay with us for the whole trip. Travel sickness medication Enables us to have flexibility to the trip. Stop at fleet services on way up and straight back on the way home. Children will be given pin badges to wear for the duration of the trip with the school’s name and mobile phone number on. If they become separated from the group they will be able to ask a member of museum staff to ring the mobile.

2 National Gallery Will have lunch at the National Gallery
Followed by a guided tour/workshop around myths and legends Short amount of time to explore the rest of the gallery afterwards Toilets and shop will be used here

3 The London Eye Any child who is scared of heights will be encouraged to have a go but if really don’t want to go an adult will stay with them. 2 separate pods, adults will be separated between them. Previously we have been given our own pods with no other members of the public. Plan is to use the 4D experience.

4 Rotherhithe Youth Hostel
Will provide all meals for the children except Wednesday’s packed lunch. Children and school adults are all sleeping on one corridor. The children will be made aware of the rooms where the adults are. The corridor will be manned late into the night and early in the morning. Please no spray deodorants as the smoke detectors are very sensitive. A range of sizes of rooms, children will choose who they want to be in their room. These will be allocated as fairly as possible. Please let me know if there is anyone who your child definitely does not want to be with. There is a choice of evening meals; normally two and a dessert. There will be a choice of sandwiches for lunch, with crisps, biscuits, fruit and water for lunch. Breakfast is a choice of hot, cereals or fruits and yoghurts. Activity in rooms for the first night.

5 Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
Leave after breakfast. Will aim (time dependent) to complete a short walk along the south bank to see the Tate modern, walk across the wibbly wobbly bridge, take photos of the landmarks they can see along the river. Look at St Paul’s Cathedral. Use of the toilets and gift shop at the globe. Explore the museum and then take part in a drama workshop. Lunch beside the river.

6 Imperial War Museum Lunch at the Imperial War Museum
Self guided tour afterwards

7 The Lion King LyceumTheatre Dinner and get changed for the theatre.
Children will be given a drink to have in the theatre - no money or cameras will be taken. Children to will be wearing high vis jackets to and from the theatre to help us recognise them. Tickets have been pre-booked and seats allocated. There will also be a treat for the interval provided for the children. LyceumTheatre

8 Hampton Court Palace Pack, breakfast and leave the hostel.
Travel to the palace. Take part the maze - UK's oldest surviving hedge maze. Explore the grounds, have lunch. Use the gift shop and toilets before leaving. Aim to be back at school by 5.30. We will inform school at when we leave and just before 3.25pm for you to get updated information. If we are expected to be back late you will be informed, Mrs Frost and Mrs Foxwell will remain in school until we return.

9 Kit List: Rucksack Digital camera and charger (please no phones) Up to £20 to spend Packed lunch for the Wednesday Clothes and pyjamas. Smart clothes for the theatre. Teddy bear, bedtime book, card games. Spare bottles of water. Toiletries: stuff for shower, please no spray deodorants. Sensible shoes for walking, jumper for evenings.

10 In the event of an incident.
The risk assessment has been endorsed by County Hall, they are aware of when we go and the places we will be visiting. Before we go: we will take advice from County Hall who work with the DfE. If we are there: We will work with Berrys and the Police. Depending on the incident; school will inform you of what is happening and what we are doing. If the advice is to leave, school will inform you immediately. We will return straight to Yeovil without returning to the Youth Hostel. Throughout the visit, we will contact school before school starts and finishes to update how the trip is going. There is a 24 hour contact in school: Mrs Frost and Mrs Foxwell. If necessary you will be contacted either directly by Miss Dyer or by one of the 24 hour contacts. Miss Dyer and Mrs Foote have basic first aid training. Both adults will administer medication or first aid together. All children will wear a pin badge with school name and mobile number on. If necessary high vis jackets will be worn to help with easy identification of the children.

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