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Калатузова Ирина Владимировна

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Presentation on theme: "Калатузова Ирина Владимировна"— Presentation transcript:

1 Калатузова Ирина Владимировна
НОЧУ «Британская международная школа» г.Москвы

2 Every country has its very special holiday
Every country has its very special holiday. Around the world many nations celebrate their own achievements and take pride in their own history. In Russia one of unique and most important days is May 9th....Victory Day!!

3 The ribbon of Saint George
(also known as Saint George's ribbon and the Georgian ribbon) a widely recognized military symbol in Russia

4 May 9th is an extremely important date in the history of Russia.
It marks the day, late in the evening of May 8th 1945 in France, so after midnight on May 9th in Moscow, that the Nazis formally surrendered, meaning the Russian army had prevailed.

5 But this day is not just a holiday.
It is a day to remember all those who fought bravely, all those who gave their lives so that Russia would be victorious over its enemies. All over the country this day fills us with happiness and pride. But this day is not just a holiday.

6 9th of May – Day of memory and honors!
On this day, sacred for all of us, we remember with pride and profound gratitude all those who brought an invaluable payment for the peace sky over our head. Their courage, firmness and heroism – is a worthy example for all of us. Their feats will remain in our hearts forever!

7 But this year is extra special
But this year is extra special. This year, 2016, we have the 71st anniversary of this very important day. It is on this day that we say thank you to all those brave men and women.  

8 It is this day that we remember the meaning of sacrifice
and we honor the memory of those millions who died.

9 The Parade Every year there is a wonderful parade in Moscow and celebrations right across the country. Russian people of all generations come together to commemorate the past, celebrate our present and look to the future. It is truly a joyous event.

10 It is on this day that many young Russians begin to understand and appreciate our country and the incredible achievements of our forefathers.

11 yesterday, today and tomorrow!
But also it is a reminder to all us of what it means to be Russian, to be proud of our country yesterday, today and tomorrow!

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