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Open Systems and Open Architecture – the benefits case

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1 Open Systems and Open Architecture – the benefits case
Peter Henderson University of Southampton January 2009 A copy of this presentation is available at

2 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Outline What does it mean to be an Open System? What are the Costs, the Benefits? Isn’t this just Open Source? Some Examples Is there any evidence that Benefits can be realised? Plausible argument based on Process Derived Architecture Principles Open Architecture Description Issues January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

3 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Open Systems Modular Able to plug in new or replacement modules Interfaces between modules subject to consensus agreement – not under sole control of system designers Able to evolve system by evolving modules Based on Established COTS infrastructure January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

4 Open Systems - Perceived Benefits
Reduced Whole Life Cost Reduced Schedule for each Iterate Reduced Incumbency, wider supplier base Greater Potential for Innovation Greater Resilience More Rapid Capability Insertion Potential for Evolution from Legacy Opportunities for Test and Acceptance cost reductions Potential for improved Interoperability Potential to exploit COTS Commonality across currently separate domains Most practical approach to Systems of Systems Note – many of these benefits already realised Open Source (see later) January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

5 Open Systems - Perceived Blockers
Industry’s Perception of its future business Existing Incumbency Inherent Complexity of Domain Specific Domain Issues (Security, Safety) Interoperability with Legacy Solutions January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

6 Why not just Open Source?
Many of the Benefits of Open Systems are realised already by Open Source In an ideal world all software (and other system components) would be Open Source Realistically, most suppliers of Domain Specific Applications will continue to have a business model based on IP embedded in software But where their business is also based on selling into communities of interoperating systems Hence the need for Open Interfaces and Open Standards With significant remaining Architectural Issues that we address here January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

7 Generic Architecture COTS hardware and operating systems
Domain specific middleware COTS middleware COTS hardware and operating systems Domain specific middleware COTS middleware Component Applications with Open Interfaces, plugged into a Commodity Infrastructure that supports their communication January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

8 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Applications Server Module Web Server HTTP Module Application Module Each module exposes new functionality across HTTP interface Interfaces (such as HTTP) need to be expandible to support this Interfaces to modules Standard and Open Interfaces to Applications Standard and Open Application January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

9 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Data Grid data source data reduction data presentation Architecture is Recursive Depends on Precisely defined Open Interfaces in particular data flow and initiative January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

10 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Evidence Earlier claims about Benefits of Openness over the Costs of Openness need to be supported All I can do at this time is give a plausible argument based on the Development Process for a large modular system and consider the benefits of Openness in that context January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

11 Systems Development Process
Requirements W Design Existing System Proposed Solution ReArchitect W Existing Architecture W W Required New Architecture Legacy Components Available New Components Buildable New components ITA W Red W shows where Work may be done and thus Cost incurred – all would be reduced in the case of an Open System EXCEPT ReArchitect, WHERE the existing system was far from Open (e.g there was no existing system OR it was not Open) New System January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

12 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Cost of Work Design Reduced, why? ReArchitect Reduced, why? Exceptions Legacy Components Buildable Components Integration, Test and Accept January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

13 Open Architecture Principles
Precise Interfaces, fully specified Recursive Architectures Governance of Architecture and Interfaces is Domain Specific Size of Components chosen to enhance evolution January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

14 Open Architecture Description Issues (1)
Systems Engineers need diagrams and discipline to support their narrative UML is a Software Modelling language that CAN be used for System Modelling SysML is evidence of this, but is immature Difficult to justify use of any other ADL for very large systems at this current time My experience of the use of UML in industry is that it is Undisciplined and can be a problem as much as a solution Disciplined use of UML requires adoption of a tight Metamodel against which consistent use can be judged in near real time January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

15 Open Architecture Description Issues (2)
Interface Description is key to maintaining Openness Interface Description should be precise, but tractable Thus it requires a degree of formality (e.g. APIs, XML, …) but formal methods are not cost effective at this time outside critical domains such as safety and security Maintaining the Openness of the Interfaces is essential if the Benefits of Open Systems are to be realised This requires an Architecture Governance organisation that owns the Architecture and the Specifications Such a Governance organisation will probably be Domain specific (e.g. Automobile Vehicle Management Systems, Warship Combat Systems) January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

16 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton
Thank You A copy of this presentation is available at January 2009 Peter Henderson, University of Southampton

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