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So We Won Our Independence….

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Presentation on theme: "So We Won Our Independence…."— Presentation transcript:

1 So We Won Our Independence….
Now What?

2 Early Concerns War had been fought to end tyranny/despotism
Little desire to create a domineering national government Powerful states with a weak central government was not sustainable

3 Early States Governments
Each state asked to create a plan for a new government in 1776 Unanimous in wanting a republic Debate over “level” of democracy Desire to keep colonial institutions

4 Debated Issues Fear of a strong executive power, preferred a powerful legislature Bicameral (elected and appointed) vs. unicameral (elected) only Why not a higher level of democracy?

5 Increasing Democracy Increased number of elected legislatures than colonial era Debated over property requirements Freedom of religion - pluralism Why would states fear granting voting rights to minorities and the poor

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