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English Phonetics by Boubacar BAH Perfect British Pronunciation I P A.

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1 English Phonetics by Boubacar BAH Perfect British Pronunciation I P A

2 British English I P A Phonetics Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound of human speech. I P A IPA stands for International Phonetic Alphabet. It is a set of symbols used to read words in sounds perfectly, and its transcriptions are different from alphabetic letters, which are not sounds. Remember that every word in English has its own pronunciation. "All rights reserved to reproduce this document!"

3 British English I P A The IPA is divided into two sections (parts): vowel sounds and consonant sounds. 1- Vowel sounds: A vowel sound is a speech sound that is made up with no obstruction of the vocal track. e.g. /iː/,/ʌ/... 1-a- Single vowel sounds: A single vowel sound or monophthong is one vowel sound. iː ɪ ʊ uː e ə ɜː ɔː æ ʌ ɑː ɒ

4 British English I P A Single vowel sounds or monophthongs are into two (2) main parts: short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds. a-1- Short vowel sounds: In the English IPA chart, we have only seven (7) short vowel sounds: /ɪ/ as in: it, sick, will, lick, live, ship, bin, think, bitwhich, six, sit, give, this, his, with, fix, shift, skin, thin /ʊ/ as in: put, would, could, should, took, look, good /e/ as in: bed, fed, ten, let, neck, leg, left, head, men /ə/ as in: about, again, anger, mirror, afford, an /æ/ as in: apple, sat, had, apply, and, ankle, can, have /ʌ/ as in: love, up, above, money, honey, come, other /ɒ/ as in: hot, not, on, what, wash, watch, water, of

5 British English I P A b-1- Long vowel sounds: Long vowel sounds are recognised by the two (2) dots in front /:/ or / /, which indicate their long sound. There are only five (5) long vowel sounds in the IPA chart: /iː/ as in: eat, meat, meet, leave, sheep, tree, feet /uː/ as in: to, too, do, queue, who, use, use, moon /ɜː/ as in: work, word, her, worm, girl, third, earth, dirt, skirt, shirt, nurse, burn, burst, curtain, mercy /ɔː/ as in: law, door, walk, mall, more, nor, or, all, small, fought, thought, brought, taught, ball, poor /ɑː/ as in: car, park, far, fast, after, sharp, spark, harm, art, heart, dark, hard, class, glass, grass, bath, ask, task, can't, mark, aren't, aunt, part

6 British English I P A Pair vowel sounds (a bit similar) / iː / versus / ɪ / sheep ship eat it leave live wheel will seek sick leap lip / uː / versus / ʊ / fool full pool pull

7 British English I P A 1-b- Diphthongs: A diphthong is a combination of two single vowel sounds within the same syllable. ɪə eɪ ʊə ɔɪ əʊ eə aɪ aʊ

8 British English I P A / ɪə / as in: apear, hear, near, fear, clear, period, weird,career, beer, theory, cashier, severe, volunteer, fierce / ʊə / as in: sure, / eə / as in: hair, air, chair, fair, millionaire, pair, care,aware, share, area, pear, tear, swear, parent, various, Mary, Sarah, dare, dairy, aeroplane, aerobics / eɪ / as in: make, take, paste, fate, backe, nail, fail / ɔɪ / as in: voice, boy, toy, boil, noise, / aɪ / as in: tie, cry, try, nice, rice, right, bright, fry, fly / əʊ / as in: know, no, go, loan, home, hope, hold, load, so, over, bone, phone, boat, oath, bowl, most / aʊ /as in: now, how, cow, house,grouse, mouth,loud

9 British English I P A 1-c- Triphthongs: A triphthong is a combination or union of three single vowel sounds within one syllable. / eɪ / + / ə / = / eɪə / player, layer / aɪ / + / ə / = / aɪə / fire, liar, buyer, tyre, higher / ɔɪ /+ / ə / = / ɔɪə / lawyer, royal, loyal / əʊ / + / ə / = / əʊə / lower, mower / aʊ / + / ə / = / aʊə / flour, flower, power, hour, our

10 British English I P A 2- Consonant sounds: A consonant sound is a basic speech sound of voiced and unvoiced consonant souns that is produced by obstructing the breath in the vocal tract. ■ -> voiceless / unvoiced/ inaudible ●-> voiced / audible ●-> voiced consonants (impair sounds ) / h / -> extra voiceless/unvoiced consonant sound p t tʃ k f θ s ʃ b d dʒ g v ð z ʒ m n ŋ h l r w j

11 British English I P A Unvoiced consonant sounds /p/as in: pen, apple,part, pray, port, pear, paper /t/as in: tea, table, accent, confident, television /tʃ/as in: chalk, pitch, teach, catch, chocolate /k/as in: car, bank, book, copy, cake, candle, can /f/as in: free, fine, phone, phonetics, paragraph, laugh, fun, fan, find, cough, afraid, staff, stuff /θ/as in: three, think, thought, thousand, path, bath, throne, earth, mouth, through, thin, thank /s/as in: son, sister, sun, see, miss, dress, peace /ʃ/as in: sugar, shoe, shoulder, tension, shop, information, passion, fish, wash, trash, crash, clash, shadow, shade

12 British English I P A Voiced consonant sounds /b/as in: Boubacar, book, bad, bath, bag, bottle /d/as in: dark, dance, need, and, bad, do, drink /dʒ/as in: joke, junction, bridge, language, jerk /g/as in: girl, garbage, bag, get, group, ground /v/as in: very, volcanism, voice, drive, thrive /ð/as in: that, they, thoroughly, this, though, those, there, their, they're, thus, these, then /z/as in: zone, zoo, zebra, /ʒ/as in: vision, revision, collision, division, decision, version, conversion, diversion, excursion, conclusion, persuasion, equation

13 British English I P A Impair consonant sounds /m/as in: make, May, mat, math, March,dream /n/as in: need, know, knee, can, fan, fun, lean /ŋ/as in: pink, drink, song, sing, learning, sink /h/ unvoiced-as in: him, home, hair, hug, hang /l/as in: learn, leave, live, left, pamphlet, look /r/as in: write, road, rate, ring, drink, read, run /w/as in: win, won, what, wash, watch, wall /j/as in: yes, yellow, yogurt, university, Europe "All rights reserved to reproduce this document!"

14 British English I P A Author: Boubacar BAH from Guinea Conakry: " I made this pamphlet in order to help any English Learner improve their basic level in phonetics. I recommend any user of this document to practise as much as possible, because only practice makes perfect. And on the whole, I started by the IPA to know the pronunciation of each word. So must you. And remember it takes time to get there....Think Big and Grow!"... "I love you mum!"

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