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Seda Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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1 Seda Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development Board Chairperson: Mr Mbulelo Sogoni Chief Executive Officer: Ms Mandisa Tshikwatamba

Introduction of Seda, its mandate and Strategic Focus Seda’s Vision, Mission and Values Seda Organogram, Services Network and HR Planning Strategy Alignment to the DSBD through Set Priorities Seda’s Performance Plan Indicators and Annual Targets Seda’s Budget Major considerations during the strategic planning cycle Strategic Risks

3 CONTEXT Introducing the Seda Board:
New Seda Board confirmed by Cabinet on 27 March 2019, effective on 1 June 2019. Have been inducted by the Minister. Sat to approve APP on 28 June 2019. Board Strategy session will be held in August 2019. Seda’s mandate is premised on the need to contribute to the national outcomes of: Inclusive economic growth Job creation

4 CONTEXT Shareholder’s expectations:
The Ministry has made it very clear that, in summary, Seda should focus on providing non-financial support to entrepreneurs. This entails supporting entrepreneurs establish bankable projects (i.e. viable and sustainable businesses). Access to markets Access to finance Business capacity (information, skills, technology, etc)

5 CONTEXT What informs the Board’s 2019/20 Strategic Priorities? We want to start this financial year working towards: Positioning Seda as the Lead Incubator in government (and the country) Coordination of the entire entrepreneurship ecosystem within government Accessibility of the Seda/Sefa collaboration in a One-Stop-Shop Model Establishing the SMME’s and Cooperatives support infrastructure / footprint in all 44 District and 8 Metro Municipalities with a bias towards those in rural and township economies as well as those owned by women, youth and people with disabilities Supporting SMME’s and Co-operatives to innovate (through Digital Hubs) and to improve their turnover and capacity to create jobs

6 SEDA BACKGROUND In 2004: The National Small Business Amendment Act- Act 29 of establishes Seda as an agency under the DTI by merging: Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency, National Manufacturing Advisory Centre (NAMAC) and Community Public Private Partnership (CPPP) Programme. In 2006: The Seda Technology Programme (STP) is established by merging the GODISA Trust and the National Technology Transfer centre. In 2008: The small enterprise support function of the South African Quality Institute (SAQI) and the technology related activities of the Technology for Women in Business (TWIB) were incorporated with STP In 2009: STP was fully integrated into Seda structure. In 2014: Seda’s mandate and functions were transferred from the DTI to the DSBD in tandem with the establishment of the Ministry for Small Business Development .

7 SEDA MANDATE Implement the policy of the national government for small enterprise development Design and implement a standard national delivery network that must uniformly apply throughout the Republic in respect of small enterprise development, integrating all government-funded small enterprise support agencies across all spheres of government Design and implement small enterprise development support programmes

8 STRATEGIC FOCUS Interventions, Coordination and Research Support aimed at enabling the following: Partnerships that may assist the Agency to achieve its mandate, across all spheres of government, the private sector and relevant stakeholders Provincial structures to ensure the effective implementation of the agency objectives and a service delivery network to facilitate access and outreach to development support for small enterprises Research relating to small enterprise support programmes In the process also; Provide research support on request from the Department (improve the understanding of the public regarding the contribution of small enterprises to domestic economic growth, job creation and general welfare

9 SEDA PROGRAMME –Focus Impact Areas Promotion of entrepreneurship
Advice, information, analysis and support in the implementation of a Small Enterprise Development Policy and programme provided Customised and general non-financial business support services Access by small enterprises to financial & non-financial resources facilitated Seda interventions for capacity-building services, products and services accessed by small enterprises International and national market access for products and services of small enterprises; Collaboration with other role players as an ecosystem facilitator The creation of an enabling operating environment for small enterprises Growth and sustainability Sustainable and competitive enterprises

Seda Vision To be the centre of excellence for small enterprise development in South Africa. Mission To promote entrepreneurship and develop small enterprises by providing customised non-financial business support services that results in business growth and sustainability, in collaboration with other role players, including global partners who make international best practices available to local entrepreneurs. Values Nature Innovation Customer- centric Responsible conduct

11 MoSBD Seda ORGANOGRAM Financial Accounting

Provinces Seda Branches Colocations Mobile units Incubators Eastern Cape 5 14 10 Free State 9 3 Gauteng 2 16 Kwa Zulu Natal 6 11 13 Limpopo 4 Mpumalanga 20 Northern Cape 1 North West Western Cape TOTALS 52 74 09 76

13 HR Planning Seda Human Resources SMME owners by province
This information, and the geo spatial exercise Seda has done with CSIR will provide a good basis for future network establishment, especially colocation and working with SALGA also following Sefa network and LED initiatives as well as public spend development programmes and BBBEE initiatives. Seda Technology Programme and Learning Academy Centralised in National Office

Business Talk Business Start Business Build Ideation Business Planning Business Registration and Launch Business Formalisation Market Development Business Scaling Business Talk Business Start Business Build Ideation Business Planning Business Registration and Launch Business Formalisation Market Development Business Scaling Business Grow Incubators Business Advisors Infrastructure Shared Services National Programmes (Seda and External Partners) STP Incubators

For survivalist and micro enterprises Entrepreneurship awareness Jumpstart/Pitching Business start-up training Business planning Business registrations Basic Business Skills For small and medium enterprises Access to local markets Access to export opportunities Incubation Access to technology Supplier Development Manufacturing support Quality and standards testing, advice and implementation National Gazelles Business mentoring and Coaching Facilitation of access to finance For collectively owned enterprises Social facilitation and mobilisation Cooperatives development and registration Access to local and export markets All other relevant products and services still apply For people with disabilities Programmes with specialist associations and organisations

16 Seda Programmes – Accredited
Impact: Linked to New Venture Creation NQF Level 4 Start Up 1 Small Enterprise Start Up Basic Business Skills Business Planning Process Tender to Secure Business Business Advice

17 Shared Services and Joint Interventions
Seda PROGRAMMES-Capacity Development Shared Services and Joint Interventions Impact: Collaboration with Others Basic Entrepreneurship Skills Development Programme Small Business Counselling and Enterprise Coaching Programme* Empretec* Incubator Governance Management Development Programme * Chamber Development Programme Multiple courses offered through third parties, such as project management, small business consultancy, operations management etc.

18 Seda RESEARCH Impact: Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Programme Analysis and Sector Studies Research Gem Report BER SMME Quarterly Update Ad-hoc Research International best Practice Information Platforms Programme Design and Development Development of Client Journey Model with Ecosystem Partners Skills Development for the ecosystem in partnership with the Services Seta, Seda Staff & Practitioners Collaboration research with the DSBD

Impact areas Priorities for 2019 /20 Plan Improvement in support for SMME’s and Cooperatives based in Rural and Township Areas Dedicated programmes and strategies for rural and peri urban SMMES Promoting a culture of buying local in rural and peri urban areas Coaching and mentorship programmes Improvement in support for women, youth and disabled owned SMME’s and Cooperatives Dedicated programs for women, youth and disabled owned businesses Setting demographic targets in all support programs.

Impact areas Priorities for 2019 /20 Plan Improvement in business formalisation for supported SMME’s and Cooperatives Policies that encourage informal businesses to formalise Business compliance training Integrate service delivery plan between Seda and Sefa Small business, cooperatives, township and village economiescross all district municipalities Local markets for small business, co-operatives and township and village enterprises Partnerships with Local Government for SMME support creating market value chain opportunities Roll out Model of one stop shop

Impact areas Priorities for 2019 /20 Plan Improvement in Turnover on supported SMME’s and Cooperatives Increased market access by SMMES and cooperatives Facilitate coordination of support to SMMEs and Business Development Standards Improvement in Jobs created by supported SMME’s and Cooperatives Focused support in labour intensive sectors Facilitate 30% government procurement from SMMEs Intensify support to high growth companies Technical Assistance and Technology transfer partnerships with the private sector 

Impact areas Priorities for 2019 /20 Plan Innovation Significant localization of new technologies and ensure that SMMEs and cooperatives are drawn into digital economy Design and development programmes enabling support to specific service sectors Promote IP protection for SMMEs Incubation Increase number of SMMEs supported through the incubation program Review of incubation Programme to ensure sustainability of graduating enterprises Seda to lead incubation ecosystem through standards setting, facilitation of partnerships for establishment of new incubators and M&E

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Ecosystem Coordination One-Stop-SMME Platform One –Stop-SMME Model jointly developed by Sefa and Seda approved Digital Platform providing services’ catalogue between Seda and Sefa and guidelines for online applications SMME Payments Call-Centre and Information Services Digital Platform On-boarding Plan for other DFIs Trade and Market Access Promotion Create new and Support existing SMME Markets Local markets and trade fairs per district municipality /Metro 9 Seda partnership markets Sector specific markets established for SMMEs in each province

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact Areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Coordination Repositioning Seda as lead Incubator Standards and Quality Assurance for Incubators Incubation Ecosystem Mapping; Identifying and profiling incubators in the country Gap Analysis Coordinating strategy as part of the National Business Development Strategy developed by DSBD Strengthen the South African Business and Technology Incubation Association (SABTIA) Review Incubation Model – Profile incubation to enable incubation for 3-5 Years for sectors /companies that require longer incubation period Innovation Fastrack roll out of Digital hubs towards 100 in 36 months Township Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Tech Business Incubation Hubs 8 Incubators; Targeting District Municipalities and Metros Develop and support entrepreneurial skills for ICT start-ups, digital and Industry 4.0 solutions that can be scaled and commercialised Innovation/ Industry Challenge Heckathons

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact Areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Technical Support to SMMEs SMME Student Entrepreneurship Seda Cadet / Internship Model developed with key stakeholder and approved Roll out agreement with Universities South Africa and Seda Supported TVETs Cadet programme approved and implemented Seda supported TVET incubators using selected unemployed graduate students Cadet Coaching Programme included in Seda partnership with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants SMME Capacity Building Ecosystem Capacity Building Business Advisory and programme assessment sector standards Framework for Quality and standards for Business Advisory Services in South Africa Catalogue of Programme offerings to the ecosystem through Seda

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Ecosystem Coordination One-Stop-SMME Platform One –Stop-SMME Model jointly developed by Sefa and Seda approved Digital Platform providing services’ catalogue between Seda and Sefa and guidelines for online applications SMME Payments Call-Centre and Information Services Digital Platform On-boarding Plan for other DFIs Information on government procurement linked to the 30% government procurement Trade and Market Access Promotion Create new and Support existing SMME Markets Local markets and trade fairs per district municipality /Metro 9 Seda partnership markets Sector specific markets established for SMMEs in each province

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact Areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Coordination Repositioning Seda as lead Incubator Standards and Quality Assurance for Incubators Incubation Ecosystem Mapping; Identifying and profiling incubators in the country Gap Analysis Coordinating strategy as part of the National Business Development Strategy developed by DSBD Strengthen the South African Business and Technology Incubation Association (SABTIA) Review Incubation Model – Profile incubation to enable incubation for 3-5 Years for sectors /companies that require longer incubation period Innovation Fastrack roll out of Digital hubs towards 100 in 36 months Township Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Tech Business Incubation Hubs 8 Incubators; Targeting District Municipalities and Metros Develop and support entrepreneurial skills for ICT start-ups, digital and Industry 4.0 solutions that can be scaled and commercialised Innovation/ Industry Challenge Heckathons

ALIGNMENT WITH SONA AND SHAREHOLDER PRIORITIES Impact Areas SHAREHOLDER COMPACT REPORTING Project Indicator 2019/20 Target Technical Support to SMMEs SMME Student Entrepreneurship Seda Cadet / Internship Model developed with key stakeholder and approved Roll out agreement with Universities South Africa and Seda Supported TVETs Cadet programme approved and implemented Seda supported TVET incubators using selected unemployed graduate students Cadet Coaching Programme included in Seda partnership with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants SMME Capacity Building Ecosystem Capacity Building Business Advisory and programme assessment sector standards Supply Chain Regulations training to enable government reporting on 30% government procurement SMME preference Framework for Quality and standards for Business Advisory Services in South Africa Catalogue of Programme offerings to the ecosystem through Seda Agreement with Chief Procurement Office

29 Enterprise Development Programme

30 Enterprise Development Programme

31 Enterprise Development Programme

32 Enterprise Development Programme

33 Seda Technology Programme

34 Seda Technology Programme



37 SEDA’s Budget Allocations
INCOME FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 Audited figures Budget Draft R'million Seda - DSBD from ENE budget 575.8 580.2 607.3 641.5 676.0 716.5 759.5 STP - DSBD from ENE budget 146.1 144.6 152.3 160.3 169.1 179.2 190.0 Seda - National Gazelle programme - 15.0 35.0 30.0 31.7 33.5 35.6 Seda - IMEDP programme 31.9 34.5 36.4 STP - Capacity Building programme 30.4 30.5 15.4 16.3 17.1 18.2 19.3 STP - Enterprise Incubation programme 54.7 57.8 61.0 64.3 68.2 72.3 External earnings 39.0 20.8 29.7 12.0 Other income 9.2 5.3 11.3 5.0 6.0 TOTAL INCOME 800.5 883.1 938.8 960.4 1,011.5 1,036.6 1,097.6 EXPENDITURE Compensation of employees 326.3 354.1 384.6 404.8 432.1 462.4 494.8 Goods & Services 430.5 511.9 537.9 536.4 559.3 553.2 580.7 Depreciation 12.7 19.2 20.1 21.1 22.2 Interest 0.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 769.9

38 Budget Allocations per programme
Programmes 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Audited outcome R'000 Approved budget R'000 Estimated budgets R'000 Administration 155,650 181,556 177,362 188,832 198,117 210,004 222,604 Enterprise Development 426,229 471,656 535,949 534,094 566,230 564,646 597,265 Seda Technology Programme 187,980 229,928 225,489 237,495 247,169 261,999 277,719 Total expenditure 769,859 883,140 938,800 960,421 1,011,516 1,036,650 1,097,589

The MTEF budget allocation has been reduced by R123 million which is 5% from 2018/19 to 2020/21. Budget pressures arising from VAT increase and inflation increases on office infrastructure contracts at an escalation rate higher than annual budget increase % Increasing costs of leased equipment and other outsourced services Some Partners no longer continuing to fund part of the running costs of branches that were jointly established –continuity risk for colocation service points. This results in the budget available for programmes and projects being reduced accordingly as the total budget amount is limited. As a result, a number of strategic initiatives had to be scaled down or postponed in previous financial years such as incubation expansion, the one municipality one product programme (OMOP), and promotion of Seda’s interventions in the key growth sectors where technical interventions are needed. EU Funding proposals to prioritise ecosystem coordination projects and development of plans partnership initiatives alongside resolving Seda’s BBBEE Accreditation

Investment in digital systems to support operations management across the network – Overhaul aging ICT systems and infrastructure and enhancement of the e-Services Platform. Organizational internal capacity needs in order to respond to the delivery need for programmes migrated from DSBD to Seda or in-year projects support. Seda is a service organisation and as such, needs to have a competitive retention plan for its employees and Extensive stakeholder engagements towards the completion of a framework for professionalization of business advisory services, improving the quality of Business Advisory Services in South Africa and Professionalization of Incubation Ecosystem Formalising a Business Development Services Cadet Programme / Internship Programme Building on Seda’s accreditation from SSETA ( Seda as a learning academy, Venture Creations qualification and Skills Programme) obtained between 2017 and 2019 Engagements and feedback from the Portfolio Committee and other stakeholders

41 Top Risks from Seda Risk Register
Misinterpretation of organisational mandate and strategy Failure to manage stakeholder expectations Insufficient financial and human resources to meet the commitments as per the agreements Reducing funding alongside expanding mandate scope and increasing operational cots Ineffective implementation of workplace skills plan and structure not aligned to strategy Lack of access to targeted areas – Outreach service points increasing but staff capacity remaining constant Failure to improve the delivery model – Client Journey Model Lack of impactful reporting due disintegrated reporting and uncoordinated interventions

42 Thank you

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