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Published byMagdalene Simmons Modified over 5 years ago
Cooperation with NGO in the Ministry of Welfare
The Ministry of Welfare is in charge of
Development of policy on: Social protection (social insurance (pensions and benefits) and state social benefits; social assistance, social work, social care, social and vocational rehabilitation; technical aids) Labour market (reduction of unemployment; employment policy and career development; working conditions and environment safe for health and harmless; minimum work remuneration; employment legal relations) Coordination / development of horizontal policy issues: Social inclusion Disability Gender equality Children`s and family’s rights (supervises children`s rights; keeps adoption register) and coordinates development of uniform demographic policy The aim of social protection is to provide support to poor persons and more vulnerable persons, as well as individuals, families and communities in cases of various social risks. In Latvia there is social protection system for protecting the population both against a short-term loss of income (disease, maternity, paternity, child care) and providing the means of subsistence to persons upon finishing the active employment (retired persons), upon becoming disabled, losing a job, suffering at an accident at work, etc. Since 1996 essential reform of the social insurance system has been implemented in Latvia, i.e. a new system based on social insurance contributions has been implemented, which guarantees protection in case of all the traditional social risks – upon reaching the retirement age, becoming disabled, losing a supporter, in case of a disease, maternity leave, child care, upon losing a job, as well as in case of suffering at an accident at work or from an occupational disease. The state social benefits in Latvia, by supplementing the state social insurance system, provide universal state support in the form of cash payments to the persons belonging to certain population groups in particular situations of life or upon obtaining a particular status . There are 17 types of state social benefits in Latvia (children, persons with disabilities etc.). Social assistance is the last resport social assistance system provided from the municipal resources which protects the poorest people in the country by providing support to them to satisfy their basic needs . And the other part of social protection, increasingly important, is social services. MoW is developing policy in social work, social care, social and vocational rehabilitation fields and also on technical aids. The another important field of responsibility is labour market. MoW draws up the State policy for reduction of unemployment; participates in drawing up of the employment policy and improvement of the career development support system; elaborates the State policy for guaranteeing working conditions and working environment that are safe for health and harmless; develops the State policy for determination of the minimum work remuneration un draws up the State policy for regulation of employment legal relationship. In the Ministry 4 horizontal issues. These are policies where all line ministries shall participate in their implemenatation.
Subordinated institutions
State Employment Agency Social Integration State Agency State Inspectorate for Protection of Children's Rights State Labour Inspectorate State Social Insurance Agency State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability Five (5) state social care centres State Employment Agency ensures the implementation of unemployment reduction policy by providing efficient services and promoting employment in the public interests. Social Integration State Agency promotes the social inclusion of people with disabilities and persons with functional disabilities, by ensuring the possibility to receive vocational rehabilitation and to obtain professional average or first-level vocational higher education. State Inspectorate for Protection of Children's Rights provides the supervision and control of conformity with the laws and regulations in the field of protection of the rights of the child and operation of Orphan's courts. State Labour Inspectorate carries out activities in order the Latvian population should be socially and legally protected and could work in a safe working environment. State Social Insurance Agency implements state policu on social protection and state social benefits and administers service pensions and the state funded pension scheme. State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability performs disability and predictable disability assessements. Five (5) state social care centres provide a person who cannot take care of himself or herself due to old age or state of health, as well as orphans and children left without parental care with housing, full care and rehabilitation.
3 cooperation types with NGO
Permanent Committees and Councils Providers of services Cooperation agreements
Permanent Committees and Councils with involvement of NGO
Social Inclusion Policy Coordination Committee (2007 / 9)* Gender Equality Committee (2010 / 10) Councils National Council on Disability Issues (1997 / 9) Council of Demographic Issues (2011 / 7) Council of Senior Affairs (2013 / 3) Council of Social Services Development (2014 / 9) SIPKK (headed by the State Secretary): coordinating body in the field of social inclusion policies promoting cooperation and participation of actors in order to facilitate the implementation, monitoring and development of social inclusion policies. Dzimumu (headed by the State Secretary): the Committee’s responsibility - promotion of the implementation, monitoring, and improvement of gender equality policy. the Committee's tasks are: to provide proposals and information on gender equality in the implementation of gender mainstreaming in different areas, propose the possible directions and priorities for the development of gender equality policy and programme monitor and evaluate gender equality policy. ILNP (headed by the Minister of Welfare): a consultative body participating in the development and implementation of the integration policies of persons with disabilities. Council of Demographic Issues (headed by Prime Minister): a consultative and coordinating national institution designed to promote single national demographic policy and its implementation at all levels of public administration. The Council shall evaluate and coordinate the implementation of national demographic policies and inform the media about demographic policy issues. Senioru (headed by the Minister of Welfare): ensures effective cooperation between public organisations and public administrations in the identification, evaluation and development of solutions for pensioners' problems. Council of Social Services Development (headed by the State Secretary): 1. novērtēt pamatnostādņu mērķu un rezultātu sasniegšanas progresu un efektivitāti, sasniegto mērķu un rezultātu atbilstību nozares politikai un nepieciešamības gadījumā sniegt priekšlikumus pamatnostādņu pilnveidei; 2. izvērtēt ar sociālo pakalpojumu nodrošināšanu un attīstību saistītās problēmas un izstrādāt priekšlikumus to risināšanai; 3. sniegt atbalstu sociālo pakalpojumu sniedzējiem, pašvaldībām un citām iesaistītajām institūcijām sociālo pakalpojumu attīstībā un deinstitucionalizācijas procesu īstenošanā atbilstoši savai darbības jomai (kompetencei); 4. informēt labklājības ministru par padomē pieņemtajiem lēmumiem un priekšlikumiem atbilstošu rīcībpolitiku pilnveidei; 5. uzraudzīt šādu Eiropas Savienības fondu darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” pasākumu ieviešanu: specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Palielināt kvalitatīvu institucionālai aprūpei alternatīvu sociālo pakalpojumu dzīvesvietā un ģimeniskai videi pietuvinātu pakalpojumu pieejamību personām ar invaliditāti un bērniem” pasākums „Deinstitucionalizācija” (turpmāk - SAM pasākums); specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Palielināt kvalitatīvu institucionālai aprūpei alternatīvu sociālo pakalpojumu dzīvesvietā un ģimeniskai videi pietuvinātu pakalpojumu pieejamību personām ar invaliditāti un bērniem” pasākums „Sociālo pakalpojumu atbalsta sistēmas pilnveide” (turpmāk - SAM pasākums). * Date of Committee or Council establishment / a number of NGOs represented in the Committee or Council
NGOs as providers of services
NGOs are involved in providing services through national delegated tasks NGOs are participating in procurement procedures for the implementation of national tasks NGOs have contracts with the Ministry on implementation of different projects → In the field of social services 15 NGOs are providing various services (group houses, technical aids, social rehabilitation services etc.) → in the field of employment NGOs are involved in subsidized employment measures, youth guarantee programme, support for long-term unemployed and social entrepreneurship Social services: Provides group house (apartment) service for persons for whom ministry pays a co-payment Contract for the provision of services to victims of trafficking in human beings A national delegated function for the social rehabilitation of individuals with oncological diseases, ensuring social rehabilitation from children suffered from illegal activities, support for children in palliative care, Latvian Society of the Blind - State delegated function in issuing TPL (tiflotechnics), ensuring social rehabilitation for persons with visual impairment Latvian Association of the Deaf - National delegated function in the issuing of TPL (surdotechnics), social rehabilitation for persons with hearing disabilities, sign language interpretation in educational institutions Employment: NGO plays a significant role in the implementation of active labour market policy measures, in all of its stages. For example, NGO may become a member of a working group which preparēs new initiatives for unemployed suport, may implementē particular active labour market policy measures and also be involved in monitoring process (for example, Youth Guarante programme implementation Board). Especially strong partnership is developed with NGOs, who provide support to vulnerable groups of unemployed, for example, persons with disabilities. During implementation stage, NGO actively are involved into the following mesures – subsidized employment (receive wage subsidies and support for work supervisors), mentoring (mentoring programmes for long-term unemployed, mentoring support for persons with disabilities, mentors to companies to help them make adjustments in the working environment). Within the Youth Guarantee programme, NGO may apply for subsidies for hiring young people with no working experience, but also are actively involved in a measure, where young people may spend time in NGO and recieve the first working experience on the labour market (no subsidies, but allowance is paid to a young peorson). Within the Youth Guarantee NGOs are involved both at the first stage where identification and activation of NEETs takes place (project «Proti un dari», where NGOs can be mentors to young people, but also help to municipalities to integrate young people on the labour market; close cooperation with youth NGOs), and also in the second stage, where work with registered young unemployed takes place at the SEA. Long-term unemployed: Motivation programmes with NGO involvement: a. can be supplemented by paid temporary work component, but minimum activation requirements are set b. psychological support, motivation measures, support and consultation to provide help for solving the social problems c. mentor after completion of program (help in job-search activities and provides psychologic support’ SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP Target groups: Enterprises, associations and foundations
Cooperation agreements with NGOs
Since 2009 Ministry signs the cooperation agreements with NGOs on their participation in the development of policy making and decision taking and service provision. Until 2018 there have been signed cooperation agreements with 102 NGOs
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