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Temporal and Azimuthal Variability in the Io Plasma Torus

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1 Temporal and Azimuthal Variability in the Io Plasma Torus
Andrew Steffl Peter Delamere Fran Bagenal August 9, 2005

2 The Cassini UVIS Io torus dataset

3 UVIS observing geometry November 12, 2000

4 UVIS observations November 12, 2000

5 Temporal Variations in the Io Plasma Torus

6 Torus Ion Composition vs. Time

7 Tvashtar erupted between Feb. 2000 (I24) and Dec. 2000 (G28)
Prometheus Prometheus C21 July 1999 (“Natural” Color) G28 December 2000 (Enhanced Color) Images courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech

8 Galileo Dust Detector data from Krüger et al. 2003
Cassini UVIS data collected from October 1st onwards Model neutral source—Gaussian peaking 25 days before October 1 x3.5 increase

9 Modeling torus chemistry
Extend the torus chemistry model of Delamere et al. [2004] Model includes: Electron impact ionization e.g. S + e- → S+ + 2e- Recombination e.g. Charge exchange e.g or Radiative cooling e.g. S++ + e- → S++ + e- + ν Coulomb collisions between the ion and electron populations Energy from pickup ions alone can’t produce the observed torus composition Need an additional energy source Add small population (~0.23% of total Ne) of hot electrons (~50 eV) Five basic model parameters: Neutral source rate SN O/S neutrals ratio O/S Fraction of hot electrons fh Temperature of hot electrons Th Radial transport rate τ

10 Time Variable Torus Chemistry Model
Allow neutral source (SN) to vary with time Assume source increase has a Gaussian profile Fit for the amplitude (αN) and width (σN) of the Gaussian Center Gaussian increase (t0,N) on 5 Sept 2000 based on Galileo Dust Detector profile Transport rate proportional to 1/SN Model profiles can not match UVIS results unless hot electron fraction (fh) also varies with time Assume hot electron increase is also Gaussian Fit for the amplitude (αh), width (σh), and center of the Gaussian (t0,h) O/S ratio and hot electron temperature (Th) are held constant

11 Comparison of Observed and Model Composition

12 Azimuthal Variations and Torus Periodicities

13 Long-term variations with System III longitude are small…

14 But, significant azimuthal variations are present in the UVIS data

15 Short-term Azimuthal Variability

16 UVIS data show anti-correlation of S II and S IV

17 Phase vs. Time


19 Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Peaks at 10.07 hours


21 Azimuthal Variability (amplitude)

22 Amplitude vs. Time #1 #2 #3

23 Sinusoidal fit to derived mixing ratio
Data #1 #2 #3

24 Modeling Azimuthal Variability
Extend the torus chemistry model of Delamere et al. (2004) by including 24 azimuthal bins Azimuthal transport of plasma Plasma rotation speed is independent of hot electrons Can be fixed in System III or allowed to vary (3 km/s) Latitudinal averaging i.e. plasma on the centrifugal equator is offset from neutrals on the rotational equator To get observed modulation, 2 periods are required Add 2 azimuthally varying hot electron sources: Primary hot electron (~55 eV) source rotates with hour period Secondary hot electron source remains fixed in System III longitude


26 Conclusions A major volcanic event occurred on Io in September 2000
Resulted in ~3.3x increase in amount of neutrals supplied to the torus UVIS observed the torus returning to more “typical” conditions The Io torus exhibits significant azimuthal variations in ion composition Long-term variations with System III longitude only ~5% Variations of up to 25% seen on timescales of a few days The Io torus always shows azimuthal variation in composition Azimuthal variations lag System III rotation period by 1.4% Amplitude of azimuthal compositional variation appears modulated by the pattern’s location in System III longitude Torus chemistry models can match observed torus behavior by including: 3.3x increase in neutral source around September 2000 Azimuthally varying source of hot electrons that rotates 1.5% slower Azimuthally varying source of hot electrons fixed in System III

27 Unanswered Questions Why does the torus exhibit periodicity at hours? What happened to the System IV periodicity at hours? Perhaps the observed hour periodicity is the same phenomenon as System IV, just at a different period. Is the hour period related to the neutral source event that preceded the Cassini flyby? Does the torus currently exhibit a hour periodicity? System IV? Something else? What mechanism(s) produces the System III-fixed and subcorotating sources of hot electrons? Perhaps not too difficult to produce hot electrons that are fixed in System III It’s not obvious how to produce a source of hot electrons that slips relative to both System III and the underlying torus plasma. Is there some other way to reproduce the UVIS observations without two azimuthally varying sources of hot electrons? Azimuthally-varying plasma rotation speed can’t do it. Azimuthally-varying radial transport timescale can’t do it.

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