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Roles of village people

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1 Roles of village people

2 Read from textbook. Read pages 65-67. Focus on the definitions of
Surplus Specialization Artisan Social class Government

3 Take NOTES! A SURPLUS occurred when farmers produced more of something than they needed to survive. A surplus could include grain, other foods, extra wool from sheep, extra materials for making cloth, and extra livestock (animals). Surpluses in good seasons helped villages survive during bad seasons.

When farmers began producing surpluses, not everyone had to raise food anymore. People began to SPECIALIZE, or develop special skills, in one kind of work. People specialized in being potters, weavers, holy people, artisans, or government members.

5 Click here for an example.
SET UP a NOTEBOOK CHART Use your ruler to make a neat chart for the different roles people did in a village. Click here for an example. Include potter, weaver, holy person (shaman), artisan, government.

6 use pages 66 to 67. Write a bullet form description about each person in your chart. Draw a small picture clue to help you remember their job or importance in the village. Click here to see an example entry in the chart! Click here to see a close-up of the example entry!

7 Take notes! Why did social classes develop?
Social classes developed because people with similar skills, backgrounds, customs, and income got grouped together as “classes”.

Government developed because laws and leadership were needed to keep order and settle disagreements. Early humans made laws to keep their communities safer and better to live in.

9 2. Describe one of the specialized jobs a villager might do.
Check your understanding! Get a half-sheet of paper. Write your name, date and period 1 at the top. Answer these two questions on today’s learning goal in sentences. Turn in to period 1 basket. 1. What made it possible for villagers to develop specialized skills? 2. Describe one of the specialized jobs a villager might do.

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