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Development of new UNR WLTP and UNR83 08 series of amendments

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1 Development of new UNR WLTP and UNR83 08 series of amendments
Submitted by the expert from OICA IWVTA rev.1 WLTP Transposition Development of new UNR WLTP and UNR83 08 series of amendments IWVTA Ambassador - GRPE

2 WLTP Transposition: Basic concept UNR-101.01 UNR-83.07
Emissions Euro 6 UNR Fuel/Energy Consumption & CO2 (NEDC) UNR-83.08 No Type 1 test (Emissions) or Type 4 test (Evaporative Emissions). Requires demonstration of compliance with “UNR-WLTP” “UNR-WLTP” (new) Type 1 & CO2 test (gtr 15) and Type 4 test (gtr 19). Level 1a (EU), 1b (Japan), 1c (?), Level 2 (IWVTA)

3 How many Series of Amendments?
WLTP Transposition: How many Series of Amendments? 3 potential approaches for transposition were discussed: Each of 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 in its own SoA using transitional provisions to avoid level 1 SoAs becoming subject to mutual recognition, i.e. level 2 is always the latest SoA. ‘Longest lead-in time & Most paper’. 1a, 1b, 1c in one SoA and 2 in another with the same „leapfrog“ concept as above. ‘Middle lead-in time & Middle amount of paper’. All levels in one SoA but using supplements for ALL amendments to level 1 requirements. ‘Shortest lead-in time & Least paper’. The third approach was strongly rejected as it clearly does not respect the 58 Agreement (in relation to the use of supplements). See IWVTA Item 9. It is however questionable as to whether major amendments would be made to level 1 requirements without affecting level 2, and therefore whether such a concept of ‘misusing’ supplements would ever be the case. Approach 3 could therefore be back on the table as a realistic option. There are already precedents for having stages in a SoA but we need to develop wording to ensure correct mutual recognition Following Approach 3 would be the quickest route to introduce and update the UNR, as well as the most straightforward for drafting and for ‘administrative upkeep’ of the UNR once in force

4 WLTP Transposition: Open issues?
Different cycles (EU L-M-H-ExH), (Japan L-M-H) Solutions exist for pure combustion engined vehicles and pure electric vehicles but plug-in electric vehicles are still problematic Reference Fuels Number of tests to demonstrate CO2 Limits for Drive Trace Indices Usage of Daytime Running Lights Testing of 4WD vehicles Conformity of Production and In-Service Conformity Utility Factors EU unique items (ATCT, Normalisation, Vehicle Type, ….) Future Additions: Type 6 (low temperature) test, Type 5 (durability) test, OBD, SCR Monitoring

5 Questions Criteria Emissions Criteria Emissions, CO2 & Fuel/
Energy consumption CO2 & Fuel/ Energy consumption UNR 83.08 UNR WLTP UNR 83.07 (NEDC) UNR (NEDC) Can a Contracting Party be a member of e.g. R-WLTP and R-101? If yes, does mutual recognition of one affect another? In other words, can a CP to R-WLTP also demand CO2 to R-101?

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